Mistakes To Avoid For First Time User Of The Best Small Business CRM Software

So, you are a new user of the best small business CRM software and you want to bypass any roadblocks that could impact the successful implementation of your new and the best CRM for small business. Well, do not worry; you have come to the right place for finding some insider tips and tricks on using your easy to use CRM software platform. Therefore, here are the five most common rookie mistakes that we want beginners to avoid while working on their newfound business growth technology like a CRM tool.

So, you are a new user of the best small business CRM software and you want to bypass any roadblocks that could impact the successful implementation of your new and the best CRM for small business.

Well, do not worry; you have come to the right place for finding some insider tips and tricks on using your easy to use CRM software platform.

Therefore, here are the five most common rookie mistakes that we want beginners to avoid while working on their newfound business growth technology like a CRM tool:

Let us get started!

  1. Specifying Incorrect Account Administrator

While using a CRM when the first account is created, the member of the core CRM implementation team who pioneers the account making process will become the administrator of the account by default. Therefore, we suggest you to select an appropriate administrator to set up your CRM account, before simply jumping into the system.
Keep in mind that the administrator will be the designated license creator, bill receiver, user selector, and the gatekeeper to assign who receives permission for using specific features within this cutting-edge business growth tool.

44% of businesses planning to increase IT budgets in 2020, up from 38% in 2019 - SuperOffice(2020) Click To Tweet

However, if anyone other than the right person among your teammates has been accidentally assigned the role of an account administrator, you can even, later on, switch their roles by modifying your settings.

  1. Importing Your Entire Contact List

It has been observed that more common than not, new users of CRM will mostly import all their contacts from Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, and other applications once they start working on their brand-new CRM platform. Now, when we use the phrase all contacts, we actually mean ‘all contacts’, which most often even consist of outdated, and irrelevant personal data. However, once that is done, when the user enters their Contact tab, they most often feel and realize that they need to clean up the list in the newly created CRM database.

Now, this can be an incredibly time-consuming process, like going through and selecting the inappropriate data, which may no longer be important to the user or to their company.

Save yourself this headache, by creating a list of contact within an Excel file in order to build a well thought out list of important connections that are presently required for your business. Save the file as CSV (Comma Separated Values) and simply import it to your CRM using the “Import a File” functionality. This process could save you a lot of time, and help you to get started with the best small business CRM software quickly.

  1. Forgetting To Tag Contacts Upon Import

It is most natural that after creating new contacts, the new information can always get blended within the rest of the customer database in the CRM. For this, we suggest you tag your contacts as soon as you import them, in order to classify where the contacts came from, whom they work for, or why they are being added to the easy to use CRM software solution’s database.

Hence, while a contact is being added to your team’s accounts, each member of the teams can tag their individual contracts with their name so that they can easily locate individuals that are significant and important to them while working with the software.

  1. Using Incorrect Email Addresses

All product updates, marketing promotions, and webinar news will be always sent to the email address that your CRM account is registered with right from day one after installation of the software.

Hence, using the right email address comes in handy when you are concerned about exporting your deals or contacts from your CRM account. Since CRM will automatically send these exports that have been requested to the registered email address that you confirmed while setting-up your best small and medium business CRM software platform.

Therefore, when selecting an email address for your CRM software’s account registration, be aware that all the important CRM-related outreach and data export will be received in that location.

Remember at any time if you need to reach out to your CRM provider be it a robust CRM like Salesforce or even any other Salesforce Alternative CRM platform used mostly by SMB to talk about your billing specifications and your account, it may be noted that you will need to write CRM vendor from your registered email account for adhering to security protocols. However, you can change your registered email address multiple times in your CRM settings whenever it is needed, as a safety measure or for other similar purposes.

  1. Duplicate Contact Creation Within Your CRM Account

Finally, oftentimes, contracts are listed with more than one email accounts and social platforms. Therefore importing various lists from all of your accounts unavoidably create duplicates in your best small business CRM software’s contact list. Nevertheless, most CRM platforms combine your contacts based on their individual email addresses and other specific options you can always specify to stay away since doing so creates redundant contacts and irrelevant company records.

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Tends In Customer Support To Look For In 2020

Loss of customers and revenue are the inevitable results of poor customer support, and so implementing new methodologies and trends helps to boost revenue. Therefore without ado here are the latest customer trends that you must look for in 2020.

Loss of customers and revenue are the inevitable results of poor customer support, which leads to loss in business growth and so implementing new methodologies and trends helps to boost revenue.

93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies who offer excellent customer service. Click To Tweet

Therefore without ado here are the latest customer trends that you must look for in 2020:

Trend #1

True Omnichannel Experience

Potential leads and customers find your offerings on any number that are available to them nowadays.
Hence, offering your potential leads and customers the ability to continue their customer journey between different devices and platforms will be of utmost importance in 2020.
In fact, the multichannel experience that customers presently know is a significant step-up from the erstwhile single-channel experience.
Nevertheless, as multichannel tends to be siloed nowadays it allows interactions between several platforms but inhibits the continued journey between one to the next.

Therefore, in 2020 businesses is more likely to hold on a customer throughout their journey by incorporating an omnichannel experience that ensures identifying and implementing all of the platforms potentially used by their customers that is sure to boost up customer service ratings.

Trend #2

Connect Through Social Media

Using social media platforms for boosting engagements in marketing is nothing new. Nevertheless, it may be news to you that in 2020 you should no longer focus on numerous social media platforms, but rather scale them down to the ones that make more sense for your type of business, which will let you spend more quality time on the few chosen platforms rather than lose sight of engagements on some of your many platforms on the list.

For this try to evaluate your target audience and engage with them in their preferred media. Try to understand whether your audiences respond more to images, videos or texts.

Get engaged with your prospective leads and customers often and do not forget to thank them for their feedback.

Additionally, apologize to your customers and prospects for any negative experience and provide them with enhanced support.

Remember, doing so not only your unhappy customers will always remain grateful for what you did but your other customers once they see that cared enough for your unhappy customer will trust your support that they need right on your social media platforms.

Trend #3

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is getting more smarter every day. Hence, in 2020 look to implement AI in as many of the customer interactions you have. Nowadays AI assistants are changing the way we live our lives with Google Assistant, Alexa and Siri.
Hence in 2020 using AI to automate customer support processes will help businesses considerably, whereby brands should automate some of the customer-facing interactions that will help them exponentially.

Trend #4

Machine Learning

In 2020 data-driven customer service will be much more prevalent than ever before. This is because nowadays machines are becoming more efficient to ‘learn’ fro data using algorithms that are increasingly getting more competent in understanding how to connect with the customers better and thereby help customer service teams to make better decisions that aids in business growth.

Once considered prohibitively for SMB organizations customer service Chatbots are one of the intelligent outcomes of Machine Learning and can now be easily integrated even in most best small and medium business CRM software platforms.

Additionally, real-time data that are needed for Machine Learning can also help in the detection and prevention of fraud in businesses.

Trend #5

Internet of Things (IoT)

It is predicted that IoT is going to help drive sales and support activities much more efficiently in 2020. This is because according to a study published by Statista it has been predicted that there will be more than even 30 billion connected devices installed worldwide this year which is twice as many as it was in 2015.

Therefore, businesses must not underestimate the importance of IoT this year, as business growth technology solutions are trying to leverage all and any connected products to enhance the customer experience, which is becoming more important than ever.

Trend #6

Remote Customer Support Representatives

With all the cutting-edge technologies that we have in hand as we enter 2020, there will be a trend more towards remotely locating customer support representatives in all businesses.

This is because with the growth of this trend companies are becoming increasingly capable of saving their employers money on office space and on higher salaries that are required for big cities across the globe by hiring employees who can work from the convenience of their own homes.

In fact, this trend will not only attract more recruits but will also provide organizations a much larger pool to choose from.

Tend #7

Real-time Support

Nowadays with customer support reps potentially available 24/7 which can be accessed from anywhere across the globe and with the previously mentioned Chatbot technologies that can be at present even integrated into the best small business CRM software platforms, there is a need for emphasis on real-time support in several different formats.

Therefore, it can be predicted that real-time support will likely boost up conversion rates in 2020 with faster response time and quicker resolution of issues.

Trend #8

Live Video

It also can be assumed that 2020 will see a rise of live video streams which will help businesses to reach out to more people on social media channels which in turn will increase the brand’s visibility. Live videos can be used for the promotion of contests, webinars, product giveaways and more.
Hence businesses this year will find more options to announce in advance or just go live whenever they want, which in turn will encourage followers of different brands to pay attention to their brand’s social media platforms.

Trend #9

Personalized Content

Personalization will be more important than ever in 2020, with the growing trend of less human contact and more automated interactions in businesses.

Luckily, this will be easier than ever to accomplish with the assistance of AI technology whereby in 2020 personalized content will look more like targeted advertisements that are well aware of the customer’s name, gender, location, and even their likes and dislikes.

Trend #10           

Predictive Analytics

Both with robust CRM software solutions like Salesforce and with solutions like best CRM for small business establishments and startups predictive analytics will be called upon much more frequently this year.

This is because with predictive analytics helping businesses to foretell their customer outcomes, brands will be able to provide world-class customer service to the consumers of their offerings.

Predictive analytics will even help businesses to discover issues even before they arise, and alleviate those problems, by running hundreds of scenarios based on data they already have in their easy to use CRM platforms to provide proactive and personalized service to the customers.


Finally, with all the security breaches in the news, the security of customer data is going to be extremely important in 2020.

In all businesses, customers provide a lot of information when they buy your offerings. Hence both CRM for enterprises and even the best CRM software for SMB organizations will ensure that the customer data in their business growth technology solutions are locked up tightly that will enhance the trust of the customers for their businesses.

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Marketing Trends- That You Cannot Ignore This Year For Your Business Growth

Since you are using best small business CRM software for helping your organization accomplish its sales and marketing plans, it is equally important that you must remain aware of the evolving marketing trends and changes ahead, those that predict to alter the shape of the marketing world in 2019 and beyond. Hence, understanding these new trends in marketing this year will enable you to adjust your marketing strategies accordingly and remain ahead of the completion in your marketplace, once you keep these trends in mind and formulate your strategies to ensure optimum success in your businesses.

Since you are using best small business CRM software for helping your organization accomplish its sales and marketing plans, it is equally important that you must remain aware of the evolving marketing trends and changes ahead, those that predict to alter the shape of the marketing world in 2019 and beyond.

94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as part of their content strategy. Other popular platforms include Twitter (87%), Facebook (84%), and YouTube (74%) - Content Marketing Institute Click To Tweet

Hence, understanding these new trends in marketing this year will enable you to adjust your marketing strategies accordingly and remain ahead of the completion in your marketplace, once you keep these trends in mind and formulate your strategies to ensure optimum success in your businesses.

Marketing Automation

Now that you know what is CRM, as a user of the best small business CRM software, it is apprehended strongly that this year and going ahead AI-powered technological advancements will take personalized marketing a step further.

Marketing automation and lead generation that is supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence) will help organizations using best small business CRM software to enhance their customer profiling strategies, which, in turn, will aid in facilitating the development of more sophisticated and refined customer-centric marketing strategies, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and a decrease in churn rates.

According to research published by Forbes, it has been suggested that more than 50% of present-day marketers will adopt AI by 2019, for accomplishing their business growth.

So choosing the best CRM for small business like ConvergeHub , which is already working on developing such technologies for its all-in-one easy to use CRM platform , will help you to stay ahead of the game.


In 2019, most of us are aware of chatbots that we deploy on our company websites for business growth.

Actually, chatbots are interactive software applications that are created to mimic normal human conversations.

Apart from websites, chatbots can also be incorporated into apps, emails and SMS platforms.

This year and going beyond it is predicted that the use of chatbots will increase, as according to a study published by Gartner, it is prognosticated that 85% of all customer support interactions will be powered by chatbots by 2020.

Therefore, marketers in 2019 using the best small business CRM software should start leveraging on chatbots now by having them answer frequently asked questions online, or walk the customers through their buying processes.

Video marketing

It is also predicted that video ads will be on a rise this year.

In a recent study published by Cisco, it has been projected that more than 80% of all internet traffic will be videos by 2021.

As in the present times with the stellar growth in social media 90% of digital markets are already making use of videos as a key element of their online marketing strategy, it is no brainer to expect that live video feeds will continue to grow.

Video marketing is not only an excellent way to tell customers and prospects your brand’s stories but it can be also considered as a better way to share testimonials with leads and prospects, whereby you can broadcast your  happy customers talk about their experience with your company, or which of your offerings has helped them in their business growth .

Influencer marketing

The consumers in all industries will be putting even more trust in relationships and people they know, as well as high-quality contents.

In other words, in modern times, consumers are becoming more and more difficult to impresses with sordid sales pitches from company reps, as they are becoming increasingly resistant towards being sold.

Consumers in 2019, especially the Millennial(s) group of consumers who are gradually moving into decision-making positions in several organizations, just want brands to help them buy.

Now, when it comes to influencer marketing, present-day tech-savvy consumers are more aware of influencers who openly endorse numerous brands. Therefore you need to adopt a more transparent and subtle approach by building long-term relationships with selected influencers, who may not be a big-name celebrity, but someone who has a  following of more than 10,000 followers on social media to foster more organic endorsement with transparent communications leading to your business growth.

Semantic SEO

According to ComScore, it has been predicted that 50% of all search on the internet will be voice searches by 2020, credits to virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa.

In recent times with new updates on Google’s search algorithms search engines have started showing a preference for cluster of contents around topics instead of keywords.

This change in part on SEO requirements has happened due to the rising popularity of searches being implemented verbally, instead of typing on keyboards.

Therefore, voice search marketing and Semantic SEO that provides more value and depth around a topic are expected to become increasingly important in 2019 and beyond.

Mobile marketing

According to an article published by Google in 2017, it stated that more than 89% of online consumers are likely to recommend a brand after a positive brand experience on their mobile devices.

In another statistics revealed by Statista:

In 2018, 52.2% of all worldwide online traffic was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3% in the previous year.

Since mobile users view contents in short intervals, contents generated for mobile marketing should be pithy, and easy-to-understand as possible.

Therefore, remember to optimize your landing pages and your website for mobile viewing so that you can engage your potential and existing customers, and evolve over time the contents that you share with your consumers for developing their brand awareness and scale up your business growth.


Although there are no best marketing strategies and no one can for certain predict the future with unflinching accuracy, nevertheless preparing yourself and watching out for these marketing trends will obviously help you as a user of best small business CRM software like ConvergeHub to achieve your goals this year and remain competitive in your marketplace for your business growth.

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New Trends to Boost Your Best Small Business CRM in 2019

With the arrival of 2019, different kinds of easy to use CRM software (even Salesforce Alternative CRM software solutions) are predicted to go through substantial overhauls and renovations- in terms of better intelligence, enhanced automation, new integrations and much more. Hence, the transformation in the cloud based CRM industry for small businesses is as good as its ability to gear up with the latest trends in the software industry, which consequentially makes us look at a number of new features that will surely revolutionize the way we use easy to use best small business CRM today.

Best small business CRM software solutions in modern times are all about better supporting and serving the customers during their journey.
Modern CRM for small businesses software platforms empower startups and small business establishments to form an emotional bonding with their prospects and customers by looking out for their best interests as a consumer of their offerings. Additionally easy to use CRM software solutions also ensures the customer-facing employees of an organization to find the right information and data from their best small business CRM software about their customers at the right time, so that they can better focus on nurturing relationships.

The Service Desk Institute has found that more than 80 percent of IT departments are using self-service as a way to meet this need. Click To Tweet

Just like any other advancements in technology with every passing year, easy to use CRM software is also undergoing futuristic transformations, bringing new innovations and simplifications to this three-lettered workplace, within an entire organization.
Therefore, be it marketing, sales, accounts, operations, or even event management and collaborations, modern best small business CRM like ConvergeHub can only get better and smarter.

With the arrival of 2019, different kinds of easy to use CRM software (even Salesforce Alternative CRM software solutions) are predicted to go through substantial overhauls and renovations- in terms of better intelligence, enhanced automation, new integrations and much more.

Hence, the transformation in the cloud based CRM industry for small businesses is as good as its ability to gear up with the latest trends in the software industry, which consequentially makes us look at a number of new features that will surely revolutionize the way we use easy to use best small business CRM today.

  1. Automatic Workflows and Intuitive User-Interface Reconfiguration

Using AI (Artificial Intelligence), modern best small business CRM software platforms will be able to adjust workflows more effectively and perform with lesser turn-around time.

This will be done by using technologies like AI and machine learning- two of the most advanced technologies that can simulate human behaviors using a non-human entity.

By learning and understanding the usage patterns and trends of the users, easy to use CRM software for small businesses and startup organizations will automatically take over mundane repetitive tasks and even adapt the user interfaces to individual usage based on their usage patterns.

Manash Chaudhuri (CTO of ConvergeHub- The #1 Easiest Converged CRM for SMB) remarks:

“At ConvergeHub, we are in the process of incorporating AI and Machine Learning into the future of our sales and marketing tools. Using AI in the sales and marketing processes creates a more tailored and user-specific experience for the buyers and can help small business organizations get found by more prospective customers, convert more new leads and thereby sell their products and services to more customers.”

  1. CRM at the Center of an Omni-channel Approach

Nowadays, more than six touch points are needed before any typical sale, which happens across several channels.
According to us as small business CRM vendor and consultants, we have realized that simply initiating touch points across multiple channels is not enough- rather the consistency of customer experience is what that really counts as much as the breadth of engagement.

Therefore, the fewer touch points that you use the better will be your sales process as a small business organization.
Hence, in 2019 easy to use CRM platforms will proactively look towards ramping up their integration algorithms and API with the objective of attaining leaner and tighter integrations with external services and tools.

In the modern times, easy to use cloud based CRM software systems are therefore evolving to serve as the never center for this omnichannel approach, unifying mobile marketing, landing pages, social campaigns, customer support ticketing, sales calls, accounting processes and other channels into a coherent whole.

In the recent times in 2018, ConvergeHub has integrated QuickBooks online, with its CRM systems, and is now one of the most popular QuickBooks CRM in the small business CRM marketplace, offering QuickBooks CRM integration free.

  1. Self-Service via easy to use CRM platforms

One particular channel that will witness a stellar growth and deeper integration with CRM for small and medium businesses- is self service.

While Gartner predicts that by 2020:

A customer will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise without interacting with a human, so make sure to give your customers the direction and tools they need to accomplish tasks themselves.

In another whitepaper published by ZenDesk states:

50% of customers think it’s important to solve product or service issues themselves and 70% expect a company’s website to include a self-service application.

In 2019 it is predicted that more than half of the modern consumers are likely to abandon an online purchase if they cannot get an answer to their questions quickly.

According to Forrester Research:

The Service Desk Institute has found that more than 80 percent of IT departments are using self-service as a way to meet this need.

Therefore, the link between easy to use CRM and self-service is a natural one as CRM application when integrated with ChatBots is capable of customizing self-service interactions and render a customer care feedback loop that sales, marketing, and support teams can also tap into in real-time as and when it is needed.

Hence, small and medium business CRM software vendors like ConvergeHub have also taken into notice the need for customer-service integration and self-service in particular, which is on a rise.

  1. From CRM to Social CRM

The transition to easy to use social CRM is imminent. Engaging customers by creating virtual communities is a more pertinent way that will be the new trend in social media marketing.
Therefore, it is predicted that in 2019 and beyond these communities and social media as a whole will take a greater shape as an important element within all best small business CRM software platforms.

Since being social will not only help businesses interact more closely with their consumers, but it will also provide hitherto unseen insights into customer’s buying patterns and their behaviors, which in turn will enhance to the lead nurturing capability of the easy to use CRM for small business in a big way.

  1. Enhanced Mobility

Customers of easy to use CRM for small businesses are no longer bound to their PCs and are constantly accessing data on the go. Therefore, customer support resources and front line sales and marketing employees will be increasingly empowered by mobile devices for support.

In 2019 we should also see NLP (Natural Language Processing) making its way into best small business CRM software platforms as a precursor to adding functionalities such as recording minutes of the meetings, updating records, and several other voice-based interactions that can revolutionize the way we interact with cloud based CRM software technology today.

Finally- On-premises CRM has become the exception

Adoption of cloud based CRM for startups and small and medium businesses used to be a tough sell.
However, that is no longer the case.

According to our research, we found that 80 percent of all new CRM purchases are in the cloud.

This is because not only finding sufficient talents and vendor support to maintain these on-premise legacy systems will become more difficult to find over time but the increasing need to access the CRM software from multiple locations and devices has also led to the rise of using cloud based CRM solutions in small businesses.

Therefore, if privacy protection was an obstacle to cloud based CRM adoption in the past, after the enforcement of the GDPR rules, this year may be the time to look again for cloud based CRM in the market for better and deeper interactions with your leads, prospects, and customers.

Do you want 2019 to be the year where you achieve massive revenue growth?

Then start planning NOW.

Create your revenue growth strategy for 2019.

If you would like to get some ideas or brainstorm on how ConvergeHub can provide the right technology to achieve your company’s marketing and sales goals, and retain your existing customers by enhancing customer’s experience with your brand, you can reserve a confidential consultation with one of our experts.

On this 30-45 minute call we will:

  • Take a deep-dive into your business process
  • Pinpoint areas with most growth potential
  • Discuss how to implement an effective marketing automation system that lets you focus on the most important tasks

Click here to check out how you can achieve your sales growth plans in 2019!

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How Best Small Business CRM Solution’s Sales Automation Software Separates The Amateurs From The Pros

When you think of activities that are most important for making a sale, you must be probably thinking about several actions that need the human touch of the sales reps in your organization. Like listening to the needs of your leads and prospects, developing a solution to their pain points, and thereafter ask for the sale. Sales automation refers to any software tool that facilitates or automates manual tasks for your sales teams. Therefore, the most popular purpose of using sales automation in your best small business CRM software is to eliminate tasks that do not involve direct interaction or relationship building activities with your customers and reduce the amount of effort a sales team spends on managing and organizing their sales processes.

When you think of activities that are most important for making a sale, you must be probably thinking about several actions that need the human touch of the sales reps in your organization. Like listening to the needs of your leads and prospects, developing a solution to their pain points, and thereafter ask for the sale.

In 2018, 87% of the businesses are estimated to use cloud-based CRM, while a mere 13% are pegged to use on-premise CRM. Click To Tweet

However, apart from selling there are also several other tasks that your sales reps need to perform on a regular basis, as according to a recent survey done by InsideSales stated:

Sales reps only spend 35.2% of their time actually selling, with the majority of their day spent on administrative tasks, research, and other non-selling obligations.

These non-selling obligations can be things like:

  • Updating lead records and logging activities in their best small business CRM
  • Finding prospect’s phone number before making a call and then writing call notes afterward
  • Researching on the prospects (like finding their job titles, social media accounts, and location)
  • Emailing customized contents to the prospects with respect to their stage in the buying cycle

For the managers in your sales teams, the most widespread non-selling activity may include assigning leads to their sales reps or training new salespersons on the team’s sales processes.

What Is Sales Automation in your best small business CRM?

Sales automation refers to any software tool that facilitates or automates manual tasks for your sales teams.

Therefore, the most popular purpose of using sales automation in your best small business CRM software is to eliminate tasks that do not involve direct interaction or relationship building activities with your customers and reduce the amount of effort a sales team spends on managing and organizing their sales processes.

However, in spite of what the word “sales automation” may imply, it cannot replace the basic task that a sales rep do- Selling.

In fact, sales automation is a process that makes the actual work of a sales rep more valuable, as it permits them to invest more attention and time on quality sales-related actions, like improving the sales process, qualifying leads, or give the best prospects more attention to hasten the sale.

Types of Sales Automation

Sales Automation is a general terminology that can take many different forms.

Many organizations use silo sales automation platforms that focus on one specific part of the sales process (like prospecting or sending cold emails), while other those who rely on their best CRM for small business like ConvergeHub, can automate numerous activities throughout the sales process with salesforce automation integrated into the CRM.

Here are some of the key areas that sales automation can help to undo some of the frustrating and busywork out of a sale rep’s daily work, using salesforce automation (SFA) friendly CRM like ConvergeHub, which caters to almost all of these helpful tools.

  1. Automate Record Creation

Sales automation in best small business CRM software can instantaneously generate easy to use CRM records when a business card is scanned, a web-form is filled out by a visitor, whereby it saves the reps from having to create new lead records and fresh contacts manually.

  1. Automated activity logging in best small and medium business CRM software

One of the most annoying and frustrating “non-selling tasks” for any sales rep is the need to log in phone calls, emails, and several other customer communications for the benefit of the managers and other employees in the organization. Sales automation software is capable of logging those activities into your easy to use CRM software as soon as they happen, without the sales rep having to do the task times and again manually.

  1. Automated research

A sales automation software integrated into an easy to use CRM that has the ability to scour the Web for information can aid the sales team in several ways, from gathering publicly available data on the prospects and adding them to the CRM database to searching social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to identify potential customers.
Per say, users of ConvergeHub CRM for small business can also avail its FREE LEAD GENERATION TOOL for visiting anyone’s social media page and capture all information instantly with no manual typing.

  1. Automated data entry

Sales automation software platforms are also capable of doing many more things that involve typing. For example, if you need to create a proposal for your prospects, sales automation can auto-fill your leads’ and prospect’s details like name, address, pricing, and particulars of your offerings. Additionally, an automated dialer like Click-to-Call when integrated with an easy to use CRM software solution reduces the need for the salespeople to punch in phone numbers manually for outbound calls.

  1. Communication automation

Although no sales automation software even when integrated with an online lead management software like an easy to use CRM solution can put one-on-one communication on autopilot, nevertheless, many of the grunt-jobs involved in connecting with the prospects, delivering customized contents, or following up with the prospects at the right time, can be automated.

Sales email campaigns for prospecting targeted leads, scheduling meetings, and sending automated voicemails that permit sales reps to drop pre-recorded messages to the prospect’s mailbox when they do not answer their phones, can be easily automated using salesforce automation in a CRM.

  1. Lead management automation

One of primary thing that a sales manager needs to do when a lead comes into the sales pipeline is to assign the lead to the most capable rep that is most likely to close the deal, which is based on factors like demographic preferences, or how comfortable the sales rep is with the specific product line.

Sales automation software in easy to use CRM software, allows managers to automatically distribute leads to the reps by setting automatic lead assignment rules based on their preferred criteria.

Apart from this after a lead is assigned to a sales rep, sales automation can eliminate the need for the rep to manually advance the lead through the sales funnel in the CRM, when stage goals are accomplished, or update the lead score when a lead progresses from one stage to another and ends up (hopefully) into a sale.

  1. Automated guidance

With automated reminders implemented in an easy to use best small business CRM software, sale reps always know what they need to do next, which ensures that important meetings, and follow-ups with the prospects and leads, are completed on time.

How sales automation separate the amateurs from the pros?

Concisely, the basic and the most fundamental difference between the amateur and the pro sales reps lie in consistency.
Therefore sale automation software when integrated with best small business CRM software creates this consistency that is needed for a team to accurately measure the health of their sales funnel and impact of their sales and marketing efforts, which ultimately helps the team to make improvements in their sales strategies accordingly.

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What To Do And Avoid With Pipeline Management Using Best Small Business CRM Platform

Pipeline management is vital for any sales company using the best small business CRM software. Since, without pipeline management software that offers necessary features, your business will be left with a chaotic and bewildering mess of data that will not be useful to anyone in your company. Therefore, it is imperative that you must use your easy to use CRM software platform’s pipeline management system appropriately and effectively, and ensure that each member of your sales team is also using it proactively to generate more sales and revenue. In this article, we shall explore how you can best manage your sales pipeline in order to increase your profits and ROI.

Pipeline management is vital for any sales company using the best small business CRM software. Since, without pipeline management software that offers necessary features, your business will be left with a chaotic and bewildering mess of data that will not be useful to anyone in your company.

Therefore, it is imperative that you must use your easy to use CRM software platform’s pipeline management system appropriately and effectively, and ensure that each member of your sales team is also using it proactively to generate more sales and revenue.

In this article, we shall explore how you can best manage your sales pipeline in order to increase your profits and ROI.

What is Pipeline Management?

A sales pipeline of an organization is a diagrammatic representation of its sales prospects, and to find the exact place where these prospects are in the purchasing process. Visualizing a sales pipeline also provide an overview of any sales person’s account forecast and how he is to accomplish his sales quota, as well as, how a sales team as a whole is capable of reaching its target.

80% of all sales are made on the 5th–12th contact. 15 years ago it took on average 2–4 contacts before concluding a sale. - The National Association of Sales Executives Click To Tweet

Sales pipeline management enables sales managers and reps to forecast the numbers and revenue generation of deals that are predicted to close in a given span of time.

In other words, a sales pipeline aggregates individual prospect and customer’s sales funnel into a composite visual representation that weighs the health of all the sales prospects of an organization. The sales pipeline also helps in illustrating the lifecycle of various customers and prospects from their initial interaction with your business to the closing of the deals.

These steps in a sales pipeline management include:

  • Help to collect incoming leads.
  • Qualify a sales prospect into a marketing-qualified lead by using methods such as lead scoring and thereafter into a sales-qualified lead.
  • Help to validate a qualified lead into a sales opportunity.
  • Register the deal as ‘closed’, ‘on hold’, or as a ‘lost opportunity’.

Therefore, having a sales pipeline management embedded in your best CRM for small business helps to manage the task more efficiently.

The health of a sales pipeline is most often measured by the following metrics that include:

  • The total number of deals in a pipeline.
  • The average size of the deals in a pipeline.
  • The average percentage of deals that have been won or the close ratio.
  • The average time taken to close the deals or the sales velocity.

Common mistakes- what to avoid in pipeline management

Sales managers using pipeline management embedded in the CRM for small business most often tend to think only about numbers and statistics. Therefore, they fail to focus on what is happening with each opportunity. Sales managers do not look at people they are positioned with, the customer’s goal or buying process, the relationship strength with the customers, the competitive position of the offering, or what is in for the customer for purchasing the product or service provided by the organization.

That means sales managers who use pipeline management often miss coaching opportunities and therefore produce poor results.

Here are certain things that you should not do with pipeline management:

  • Avoid keeping focusing only on the numbers. Instead, look into more in-depth study of the status of the opportunities and how they can be moved forward through the pipeline.
  • Do not confuse pipeline management with sales forecasting.
  • Remember, sales pipeline management is just a coaching tool.
  • Do not believe in the idea that a bigger pipeline is a better pipeline, as smaller pipelines can be more productive, since it can be devoid of the junk deals that will never amount to any revenue, allowing sales reps and managers to focus on selling to lead that are more qualified for faster closer of the deals.
  • Do not focus on only late-stage or about to close deals.

Best practices for Pipeline Management using small business CRM

Over-complicating what you are trying to measure drives low adoption of pipeline management software. Therefore keep your sales pipeline management simple and to the point.

Believe in creating holistic skill development of your employees in the sales and marketing teams. Let your sales managers help the reps to execute necessities required for managing the sales pipeline across all stages of the process, and so create targeted training for each step for every individual in the team.

Create account plans that illustrate the sales rep’s position within the organization, and what are their opportunities. The strategies that you need to employ, the resources needed to be successful, and recognize the key players to help move the opportunities through the pipeline.

Train the sales team how to prospect, which should include things like asking questions, writing emails and motivating potential prospects to act.


Advanced and best small business CRM software like ConvergeHub, allows users to manage multiple sales pipelines.

This is most important since most CRM do not offer this option.
Suppose you run an automobile dealership and make money by selling cars, automobile parts and also provide repairs. Many customer relationship management software, will allow you to configure only one pipeline, which means you will not be able to accurately analyze or track multiple lines of business and profit centers using such CRM platforms. Therefore, keep this in mind while choosing your pipeline management software embedded in the CRM.

For more information on sales pipeline management and a 14-day free trial of ConvergeHub, click on the link below.

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Ways To Warm Up Leads Using Your Best Small Business CRM Software Platform

Every lead is singular, therefore understanding what messaging they will reply to, and what actions they are taking on your website makes lead nurturing easier. Although it might seem like a massive undertaking, it is a lot simpler when you are using your best small business CRM tool. Now if your organization has an impeccable sales enablement strategy, it is likely that you will most probably be already using a CRM tool, which can be used to warm up leads and therefore improve your company’s sales performance.

Every lead is singular, therefore understanding what messaging they will reply to, and what actions they are taking on your website makes lead nurturing easier. Although it might seem like a massive undertaking, it is a lot simpler when you are using your best small business CRM tool.

Now if your organization has an impeccable sales enablement strategy, it is likely that you will most probably be already using a CRM tool, which can be used to warm up leads and therefore improve your company’s sales performance.

38% of businesses surveyed experienced higher lead to opportunity conversion rates thanks to lead scoring.- Kentico Click To Tweet


  1. Use automated communicate to keep them warm consistently

While it is true that you do not want to spam any of your potential leads, you should also keep communicating with them times and again so that they do not lose interest in your offering and look somewhere else. Using small business CRM software allows you to automate your email marketing campaigns and set up sales sequences to grab every lead that comes into the system.

It is natural, following up on every lead, which needs warming up and nurturing would be practically impossible if your system is fetching more than 1000 leads a month. Nevertheless, using a CRM means you can enroll fresh leads into automated work, which takes the pain out of the lead nurturing process.

You must also use your small business CRM to make certain that your attempts at re-engaging are not becoming annoying to your prospective leads. For example, if you are blasting a dozen emails in a day without any response, you will easily be able to see that information in your CRM software and then can adopt a different strategy to warm those non-responsive leads.

  1. Know what stage your leads are in the buyers funnel and send them appropriate contents

If you are using a small business CRM such as ConvergeHub, it is a trouble-free process to define leads by where they are in your sales funnel, assign them as marketing qualified or sales qualified, and identify the buyer persona.

Now, once you have demarcated your leads into different stages of your sales and marketing funnel, and you are aware that your lead is qualified, it is much easier to send them the required content useful to them at the stage they are in the pipeline.

  1. Look at their past actions and behaviors

Modern small business CRM software platforms are capable of tracking clicks on landing pages, website visits, email opening rates, and content downloads, which provides a great insight into what actions your leads have taken previously and what contents can pique their interest. Therefore, once you are using a CRM, and you have this information on your fingertips, you can send relevant contents to your leads that they are more likely to respond.

  1. Keep a lead in contact with the same person

People feel more confident with people rather than with companies. Therefore, prospective leads are more likely to respond to information coming from an individual they have previously interacted, than to a generic email, such as ‘info@company.com’.

Nobody wants to speak or respond to “info”, rather they want to speak to ‘Mike’ or ‘Gracie’, with whom they have interacted previously or have seen or read on the company’s website.

Now you may think what does this have to do with best small business CRM.

Well, when you are using a CRM platform, you can easily assign leads to sales reps of your choice, those who are thereafter termed owners of the leads, and so any communication going out from a lead-owner to the prospect is considered as a reliable information that is recognizable by the receiver of the communiqué.

Since it is not advisable to warm up any leads if they are not opening their emails, using a CRM platform ensures that all leads are properly distributed, and all communications come from persons that your leads trust and recognize personally.

  1. Re-engage old customers

Like a microwave meal, old customers those who are needed to be warmed up again are also as valuable as your new leads. Hence, if you are using your small business CRM efficiently, you can always have a list of previous customers you can retarget. All best small business CRM such as ConvergeHub are capable of taking note of any actions taken and communications done with old customers, and so your sales and marketing departments should be able to gauge the prospects past responses, and thereafter re-engage them with the appropriate messages.


Follow these five steps and take the hassle out of lead nurturing by using your CRM for small business to its full potential.

At ConvergeHub, we have a team of professionals skilled in lead nurturing and marketing automation to help you synergize your marketing and sales efforts.

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So why wait, go for a 14-Day free trial of ConvergeHub and let us help develop a lead nurturing strategy to supercharge your revenue.


Reasons Sales Do Not Use Their Easy to Use CRM (And Solutions)

No matter what industry they work in, sales people, do not use their easy to use CRM for the same reason everywhere. Therefore understanding this “why” is just one-step forward to choosing the right best small business CRM for your SMB. There are several examples of successful and unsuccessful CRM adoption in this world. The cold reality is that even the best small business CRM fails because adoptions of online lead management software like CRM technology can often be an uphill battle. Now the question remains, why would sales representatives want to go back to using pen and paper, sticky notes, and spreadsheets to build their customer relationships? According to Cloudswave’s research, by using an easy to use CRM lead to sales conversion rate improves more than 300 percent.

No matter what industry they work in, sales people, do not use their easy to use CRM for the same reason everywhere. Therefore understanding this “why” is just one-step forward to choosing the right best small business CRM for your SMB.

To Love or Hate an easy to use CRM software?

There are several examples of successful and unsuccessful CRM adoption in this world. The cold reality is that even the best small business CRM fails because adoptions of online lead management software like CRM technology can often be an uphill battle.

Using a CRM can lead to sales conversation rate improvements of over 300%- Cloudswave Click To Tweet

Now the question remains, why would sales representatives want to go back to using pen and paper, sticky notes, and spreadsheets to build their customer relationships?

According to Cloudswave’s research, by using an easy to use CRM lead to sales conversion rate improves more than 300 percent.
Even we did hear from one of our customers using our Merchant Cash Advance CRM software that by using our ConvergeHub MCA CRM the company increased its revenue by 152 percent. While it is not 300 percent, however, we think that is really impressive, as we known and the customer also agreed that after using our CRM software they are well on their way to increased success.

Here is a look at some of the most frequently found reasons we have heard from sales teams in different organizations regarding difficulties and problems in implementing CRM application and why they seek a new solution. `

#1. Salespeople do not want changes

One of the most common and familiar sales tools to the sales reps to track customer relationships is the spreadsheet. Now the question is if the sales teams have been so good at their work so far with spreadsheets, they might not just want to use some other customer relationship management software and fix their existing spreadsheet-based process unless they feel it is broken.


You must convince your sales teams that easy to use CRM data benefits not only them but also the entire organization, right from marketing to accounts and also support.

Illustrate to your sales reps that when they close a deal without understanding or showing the steps taken to reach the conversion it is a loss. Reiterate the fact that best CRM for small business brings value to that ‘win moment’ because the entire organization can perceive the value of the deal for future reference, which can help in gaining would-be sales.

#2. Salespeople do not perceive the value


Speaking about value, another pertinent reason sale does not use their CRM platform is because they think that the customer information database software or CRM was forced on them. This situation typically occurs when the owner or the manager tell their sales teams that they need to use a CRM without discussing or explaining them about the benefits of the software.

“What a waste of money!”, “What a waste of time!”, or “I can’t learn this!” are some of the first thoughts that sales reps have once they are not explained about the utility of the CRM software, which consequentially makes them perceive even an easy to use CRM as a threat rather than a useful tool.


This trepidation stems back to not involving the sales teams and understanding their needs during the buying process. In an ideal scenario, organizations should see an easy to use CRM that is capable of solving specific sales-related problems and highlight those features to their sales teams.

Explain to your sales managers how their sales reps can close more deals if they are using the right small business CRM.

Always make sure, that the final decision about buying your easy to use CRM software is a shared decision by your sales teams.

#3. CRM software is too complicated

Good sales reps want to spend their hours selling rather than learning how to use the software.

Therefore, adopting complex CRM software sets sales teams up for failure. Moreover, unwanted bells and whistles set by the CRM software worsen the problems.


Choose an easy to use CRM like ConvergeHub that is known for its ease of use. Purchase a CRM that does not have a long learning curve, which can take weeks to learn.

#4. The CRM is not aligned with our sales process

Another reason why sales teams do not use their CRM platform is that it is not aligned with their current sales process.

To overcome this issue, you should go back to make the sales reps understand the features of their easy to use CRM and how important those features are for the growth of your organization.

Many CRM platforms include features like depicting deal stages, sales pipeline management, workflows, and others, which are absolutely necessary for winning more prospective deals.

Nevertheless, as all businesses do not track sales, in the same way, therefore, when a CRM field does not fit a sales process that your sales reps are familiar with, they will stop inputting data, unless you further customize the software to fit their needs.


Purchase a CRM that can be easily customized. Every organization has a different sales process, therefore your best small business CRM’s pipeline stages should be customized to suit how your salesperson sells.

#5. No training or support

Regardless of which industry you work in, software takes time to learn. Moreover, some people are less tech-savvy than others.

In the CRM space, those sales reps that do not know how to use your CRM will simply not use it or end up inputting inaccurate data into the CRM database .


Proper training is most essential even if you are using an easy to use CRM platform. This training can include basic instructions about the software.

Choose a CRM company that offers free customer support when it is needed.

Remember, there are several CRM companies that only offer support as a paid add-on, which can really prove frustrating for your sales teams.

#6. CRM keeps them stuck at their desks

Sales reps naturally spend a lot of time out of their offices, meeting prospects and building relationships in the field. Therefore, mobile phones are a necessary tool for their meetings on the go.

Hence, if salespeople have to remain at their desk for inputting data inside the CRM database, they will for certain stop using the system.


Choose a CRM software that is mobile. If your sales reps can pull up conversation history, contact data, deal histories and more when they are out in the field (providing them with a big advantage over other salespeople who cannot) they will obviously like using your CRM.

Moreover, mobile easy to use CRM software empowers the sales teams to update their data right away rather than losing vital information after scribbling on their notebooks.

#7. No time is saved

In the sales world, it is natural that none likes to do data entry. Therefore, this is also yet another reason why salespeople do not use their CRM since they feel it is taking up too much of their precious time to learn and use the software.


Your chosen CRM should automate as many sales tasks as possible. Since a CRM that is incapable of doing that is not worth considering. 

#8. CRM has bad data

According to a survey done by Experian Data Quality, it was found that most companies lost 12 percent of their total revenue due to bad data.

Now if your new CRM consists of bad data like out-of-date information and duplicates records in the CRM database that none can trust to use, then your salespeople will end up doing the sales analysis on their own, which culminates in a waste of time.


To avoid the ever-true curse of bad data residing inside the CRM database, you should roll out your easy to use CRM implementation after cleaning the existing data and continue executing the data-cleaning procedure at regular intervals.


Therefore, the key to making your sales reps use your CRM software is in choosing the right easy to use CRM software that your sales teams will actually use.

Do you use a CRM?

If it is affirmative, let us know the incentive for using your CRM software, and if you are still not using an easy to use CRM use ConvergeHub free trail and find how convenient, your sales reps feel after using our best CRM for small business by clicking on the image below.

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Best Small Business CRM And the 4 Human Point of Contacts in Sales

Now that most of us know what best small business CRM software stands for, let us understand CRM software as a platform that helps businesses to track their customers and manage prospects and leads through the sales pipeline, making selling easier and more effective. While the stellar growth in technology is making this process less hard every day, nevertheless, there is no way to completely automate the human point of contacts that are most essential for effective sales. Therefore, in every step of your sales process, you should be making direct contacts to keep your buyers informed and educate them about your products and services, which builds trust between the brand and its consumers.

Now that most of us know what best small business CRM software stands for, let us understand CRM software as a platform that helps businesses to track their customers and manage prospects and leads through the sales pipeline, making selling easier and more effective.

While the stellar growth in technology is making this process less hard every day, nevertheless, there is no way to completely automate the human point of contacts that are most essential for effective sales. Therefore, in every step of your sales process, you should be making direct contacts to keep your buyers informed and educate them about your products and services, which builds trust between the brand and its consumers.

Hence, what should you be doing exactly to ensure that you are hitting the nail on its head, by striking on these points of contact and help guide the consumers of your brand towards a decision making process?

Brands that provide the best experience throughout the customer journey accomplish higher levels of sales, retention, and customer satisfaction.- McKinsey & Company Click To Tweet

To aid you in refining your efforts, we have outlined the most crucial human point of contacts that should be present in any sales procedure, with subtle hints of different ways you can deepen your customer relationship with potential purchasers of your brand along the way.

Point of Contact #1

The Potential Buyer Makes Contact

Your primary chance to create a connection with the purchaser is during the initial contact.

At this juncture, the purchaser has visited your brand’s website and has expressed an interest in your product, service, or solution. For example, they may have filled out a CTA form for downloading a free resource like a Free Lead Generator Tool or an eBook or may have just contacted you personally with certain questions they have on their minds.

Remember, this is your primary chance to speak to your buyer’s needs and create a good impression in their minds.

Now, it is most pertinent to understand that in most cases this is not the ideal time for pitching your brand since your job now is to find out exactly what your buyers are looking for and how you can help them to satisfy that desired quest.

You can decide to follow up on these prospects directly and if you do, you must try to identify the following:

-How did the purchaser found your website?

-What made them reach out for your product or service?

-What are their problems?

This is the chance for you to better understand your prospective buyer’s wants, needs, and pain points. Where after, you can apprehend if your brand is a fit and suggest ways you can help your customer.

Additionally, you can also direct the prospect to other helpful sales resources like blog posts, videos, case studies, and F&Qs.

You can even enquire if the prospect wants to sign-up to your email list, once they have already availed or signed in for your free offer. This way, you can send them your best offers and keep them engaged with your brand.

Most importantly, you need to be available when your buyer has a question and wants to converse with someone. Therefore, make sure you are always available on your email, phone, and live chat. For this include all these information in your email signature and in your website so that the buyer can retrieve your contact details easily.

Point of Contact #2

The Prospect Is Assessing Your Solution

Once the purchaser is able to understand how your product or service can address their pain-points, they move ahead to the ‘mid-to-later’ stages in the sales funnel, where they most likely evaluate the existing solution with other providers in the market.

Therefore, what can you do to persuade them to choose your brand? What does additional information the purchasers needs to finalize their decisions?

Every single situation, in this case, will be different, but then again the key decision factors culminate to:

  • Does your solution meet the purchaser’s needs?
  • Does your product or service make financial sense?
  • Does buying your proposed solution make them stand more successful?

Here is what you need to do now to address each of these questions:

To answer, “Does your solution meet the purchaser’s needs?” you can-

  • Set up a call or product demo

This will permit you to speak directly with the purchasers and show them how exactly your solution can address their particular needs. Once you set up a call or a product demo, you can ask what your buyer is exactly looking for and then show them just how they can benefit by using your solution, software, product, or services.

  • Invite the purchaser to a webinar

A webinar is an appropriate alternative to a one-on-one product demo, whereby you can invite multiple prospective buyers. This option applies best for demonstrating the key features of your brand and for explaining how the features of your brand can benefit the users.

  • Invite buyers to sign up for a free trial or use a test account

This will empower the prospective purchasers to try your solution on their own. Thereafter, you can follow up on the free trial users of your solution and answer any question that they have on your products or services.

To answer the question “Does your product or service make financial sense?” you can put forward a personalized plan after referring to the contact’s information in your best small business CRM software’s database, which fits the buyer’s budget. This will permit the prospects to perceive the exact cost of your solution and anything other included in the plan.

Moreover, it will also help the prospect to clear up any misunderstandings about the pricings of your offerings.

Lastly, to provide the answer to the question “Does buying your proposed solution make them stand more successful?” you can bring confidence in the proposed buyer’s decision-making process by:

  • Furnishing case studies
  • Furnishing positive customer feedbacks
  • Referring them to a customer who may speak positively of your solution, as a brand advocate of your company

Lastly, in most cases even after all these efforts, you may have to “nudge” the buyer a little, in order to make them choose your brand.  For this, you can continue to follow up your buyers via phone or email and since it is been sometime that the prospect first considered your brand, you may reach out with a new time-bound discount offer, as a last-ditch effort to secure the sale.

Point of Contact #3

After the Purchaser Has Bought Your Solution


Congratulations! You have won the sale. The purchaser has decided to go with your brand and buy your solution. Nevertheless, it does not mean that your sales process is over and it is now the right time to move onto the next qualifying lead.

Customer retention should be your next logical step in developing the buyer relationship since it can take anywhere from 5 to 25 times as much in cost and effort to attract new customers than to retain an existing one.

Remember for small businesses, it is more essential to keep existing customers happy, rather than simply pursuing new businesses.

At this point, it is necessary that you must make your recent buyers feel comfortable by making them think that they have made the right decision, which will encourage them to stay with your brand and start building a long-lasting relationship.

Therefore, what are you planning to do to ensure that your customers are satisfied and your buyer retention plans are running smoothly for increasing the CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) of your purchasers?

Here are a few golden ideas to keep your buyers happy:

  • Thank the buyer
  • Provide fast delivery
  • Help the purchaser set up your solution
  • Reach out frequently to see if your buyers need help
  • Make sure you’re easily available on all channels
  • Send use cases
  • Send surveys

Now by sending surveys, you can inquire about things such as:

– How satisfied are your buyers with your solution?

-How satisfied are buyers with your support?

-How difficult or easy do your purchasers find your solution to use?

-What unexpected problems your buyers are experiencing after purchasing from your company?

Point of Contact #4

Going Beyond the Initial Purchase (Continuing the Relationship)

The final customer relationship management’s point of contact remains with continuing the relationship over time.

One of the biggest reasons buyers leave because they feel neglected.

Therefore, what can you do to keep your buyers happy in the days, weeks, months, or even years after they made their purchases?

Here are some ideas apart from the others mentioned previously, which you can also implement, such as:

  • Create a loyalty program
  • Set up a referral program
  • Send your buyers freebies
  • Up-sell or cross-sell to your purchasers other products and services

Final Takeaway

Never Lose That “One-on-One” Connection with Your Buyers

Although best small business CRM software like ConvergeHub and others makes our lives easier. Still then, it is most important to maintain that “human-touch” with the buyers, as every buyer is unique and they all have specific wants, needs, and pain-points in their distinctive ways.

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Therefore, we strongly believe that by implementing these ideas listed in the post, you may not only be able to increase the effectiveness of your existing sales processes but by upholding these strategies you can also build stronger and long-lasting potential relationships with the existing consumers of your products and services to help grow your business over time.