Alexa Take Customer-Employee Communication Ahead of the Curve | ConvergeHub

Take Customer-Employee Communication Ahead of the Curve

CRM | by Patricia Jones
Take Customer-Employee Communication Ahead of the Curve

User journeys are becoming extremely complex at every passing second. Businesses are coping up with the ever changing trends. Maintaining the status quo of seamless customer communication is a survival imperative for the businesses now. And, the first step is to establish  customer and employee engagement at every touchpoint.  

Navigating through zigzag customer journeys in a digital space

Gone are the days where customer conversations with the business were limited to telephone and  emails. The  digital space offers more than  one  opportunity to stay  connected  24/7.  According to a study by Mordor Intelligence, more than 20 billion digital consumers are staying connected  to the internet at a given period of time. As a result, customer interactions with brands are facing significant transformation. Studies reveal that staying connected with favorite brands on the go has now become a trend. It’s easier for customers  to stay up-to-date with every consumer-driven activity the brands are adopting. Moreover, the availability of multiple digital communication channels makes it imperative for the businesses to provide quick responses. All-in-all, it’s an integral parameter to create a delightful user experience. 

However, navigating through complex user journeys is not only about quickly resolving customer inquiries and complaints. Rather, it’s about developing a connection with your customer  that’s built on empathy. At this point, your customers will feel that they can reach out to you anytime. Such a customer-centric approach  by the  brand  is  the foundation of  positive  user experience amidst all the complexities. Furthermore, happy customers are easier to upsell and cross-sell to and are more likely to recommend your brand and spread positive word of mouth.

Taking customer conversations ahead of the curve

To live up to these  evolving  norms  of customer-employee  communication,  businesses nowadays are adopting technology  at a larger scale. The  objective is to streamline the  process itself and  keep  stakeholders well-informed at both ends. After all, digital transformation has opened  doors to personalization. And, without  being well informed, it’s not possible to reach that level of personalization. To keep up with this,  the majority of businesses are adopting CRM tools to keep people and departments synchronized, which further helps in raising the bar of customer communication.  

Plan a customer communication strategy

Proper planning is at the heart of impactful  customer communication. Any communication strategy especially with the customers is built on empathy. It’s the very root of every customer-employee communication, whether it’s a B2B or B2C segment. Keeping this in mind is crucial for the smooth running of the  entire communication strategy building process. YOu need to start by identifying your audience. If you know who they are , it will be easier to frame a strategy that is relatable with them.

  • Determine when each message will go out so that all employees know when their turn comes up in line–and whether a particular employee needs additional training before taking over responsibility for delivering it.

Define your customer-employee communication goals

While setting customer-employee communication goals, make sure that you are setting realistic goals at every level. Organizations can have big fat expectations but unless it’s  realistic it’s difficult to achieve. And obviously it won’t make any positive or meaningful impact. So, as a customer service manager, it is extremely crucial to set your goals, which is aligned with the employee bandwidth as well as capability. 

Select the best collaboration tools

When it comes to choosing the right collaboration tools, ( a CRM tool to be specific)  you should consider the following four factors:

  • Easy use
  • Security and privacy
  • Availability on mobile devices and from anywhere in the world (i.e., no need for wifi)

With ConvergeHub, users can get all these features.based on the user reviews,  ConvergeHub is chosen as the #1 CRM software in terms of usability, intuitiveness and ease of implementation. 

Assign responsibilities across team members

  • Assign responsibilities across team members.
  • Make sure everyone is on the same page regarding communication with customers, employees and other departments in your company. This will help you avoid any confusion or miscommunication that could lead to problems down the road.

ConvergeHub is an all-in-one CRM that helps manage sales, marketing, customer service and billing from one unified platform. With  all information secured in one place, it’s easier for a sales head or marketing manager to assign tasks across departments without much manual efforts. Also, the  customer support supervisor can get a 360-degree customer view and avoid duplicate data entry. That’s why it’s easier to manage everything from cold prospects to happy lifetime customers to brand advocates and beyond.

Improve communication with a reverse brainstorming meeting

A reverse brainstorming meeting is a great way to get your team talking about their challenges, goals and ideas. The main goal of the meeting is to learn more about what’s going on with your customers so that you can provide them with more solutions.

A reverse brainstorming meeting helps you hear from employees on what they think might be causing problems for customers, as well as how they think those problems could be resolved. It also gives them an opportunity to share their own ideas for solutions–and if there are some challenges involved in implementing these solutions (like budget constraints or lack of resources), those will become part of the discussion at hand!

Create a personalized email address list

To create an email address list earlier, companies used to rely on their data entry staff. For obvious reasons,  it would  take a lot of time and  effort. With a CRM tool in place, creating an  email  list  is  no more a manual  job. Modern-day CRM tools like ConvergeHub come with email  automation features. It not only fetches all the crucial  email contacts, but also automates the  process of sending out timely emails to the targeted customers. Moreover, if a lead signs up for your service, ConvergeHub helps you identify that and make a list of your potential leads, which helps you target them for promotional campaigns in future.

To make sure that the email addresses on your list are accurate, it’s important to keep them up-to-date as well. This will show customers who have left or stopped using your product that there is still value in continuing with their subscriptions or accounts (for example: “You’re still subscribed? Great! Check out our new discount”).

It’s also important that you have an efficient way of sending emails from one place so there isn’t any confusion about where someone should be receiving theirs from. You might consider using an email marketing tool like SendGrid which allows users complete control over how much time their messages spend in transit or whether they need special permissions before sending them out at all; this means less time spent worrying about technical details when trying to send something out properly!

With ConvergeHub, the entire process is automated and involves zero manual intervention.

Get the success recipe for the customer care team

  • Seamless employee-customer interaction
  • Plan it and achieve goals faster
  • Have no system for  customer-employee communication? Time to upgrade!

How ConvergeHub Keeps You a Step Ahead?

ConvergeHub is a scalable enterprise-ready CRM that is packed with advanced features that will help your business grow. Customizable and configurable features adapt the tool to your way of doing business.

As an all-in-one enterprise grade CRM, ConvergeHub is designed keeping both the end customer and the user journey in mind. The  feature-rich product makes it sure to prioritize the everyday needs of all stakeholders, including administrators, agents, and customer-facing teams, in our product development process.

To ensure scalability and reliability, ConvergeHub has been customized to the farthest extent. This platform provides the necessary infrastructure for your products to grow and meet the evolving needs of our customers.It’s highly extensible to the customers, thus allowing them to adapt the products to fit their unique business processes. Additionally, the platform offers a suite of shared services to facilitate quick innovation and product releases.

ConvergeHub integrates with popular communication channels, including WhatsApp, Apple Messages for Business, Google’s Business Messages, MS Teams, Email, and SMS, for a seamless and unified experience across multiple environments.

The Final Takeaway

Whether you are an SMB, a budding entrepreneur or the owner of a global enterprise, customer communication is always the key to success at every level. Staying competitive means to build an empathic communication stream with  people, whether they are your employees or your customers. Taking communication ahead of the curve needs enough of attention from  employees at every level. But it does not happen overnight. In fact, a lot of things come into play when you are out to create a journey or roadmap for communication strategy. Make sure for meaningful interactions, you need to open up to your customers, let them talk about their pain points and more.If you’re looking for help with any aspect of customer-employee communication, please give us a call today!

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