Alexa ConvergeHub for Customer Behavior Analysis

How CRM Helps Address Shifting Customer Behavior

Customer Service | by Patricia Jones
Address Shifting Customer Behavior

Customer behavior analysis provides valuable insights into how customers interact with a business. Behavioral analysis delves deeper into customers’ behavior patterns and trends that impact their success. For instance, if customers make a purchase for the first time and do not come back, behavioral analysis can shed light on the underlying reasons. Accordingly, businesses can make informed decisions to enhance their products, services, or marketing strategies in order to drive additional sales. Precisely, behavioral analysis serves as a guide for companies to identify improvement areas and make targeted changes that align with customers’ preferences and maximize customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Here’s how ConvergeHub helps SMBs with the toughest job of customer behavior analysis and how it helps them achieve better results.

Advantages of Customer Behavior Analysis 

  • Provide seamless service: Behavioral analysis helps businesses delve deeper into customer needs, preferences and requirements and accordingly identify opportunities to improve customer experience. 
  • Personalization at its best: Personalization can make all the difference when it comes to customer service. Studies reveal that 71% of customers now expect personalization when they shop. Behavioral analysis gives you insights into the customers’ mindset and accordingly creates personalized offers that are aligned to their needs. 
  • Serve better content: Better tailor content to be more relevant and engaging for your customers, leading to increased conversions.
  • Find new customers: Knowing the behavioral traits of your customers can help identify potential customers who can eventually become your loyal customers.
  • Retain customers: Time to time customer behavior analysis helps in understanding if your existing customers are satisfied with your product offerings, if they are making repeat purchases or they are not interested any more.
  • Increase marketing ROI: Optimize your marketing campaigns to reach the right people with the right message.

10-Steps to Perform a Successful Customer Behavior Analysis

A customer behavior analysis generally involves multiple steps to collect and evaluate data. Here’s a rundown of the involved:

1. Get the goals straight: Decide on the precise insights that you are planning to get from your data sources. It can be about better understanding customer preferences, recognizing purchase patterns, as well as increasing user retention.

2. Data collection: Your data sources of customer analysis should be multiple. No single data source can serve the facts in detail. Most of the credible data sources are customer transaction records, social media interactions, website analytics, customer surveys, CRM software, and various other relevant data sources that are great for data collection. All you need to check is that the data source is detailed, accurate and accurate, and spans a long enough time period to yield useful insights.

3. Data sanitization: For behavioral analysis you need accurate data. For error-free analysis, you can remove duplicates, mistakes, and inconsistencies from the available data. Accordingly, format the data to help streamline the analysis process. 

4. User/Customer Segmentation: Effective customer segmentation helps you understand how to tailor make your product offerings. Not all your customers are interested in the same line of products from the same brand. The best you can do is customer segmentation. It allows you to have a clear idea about different customer profiles, their tastes, preferences and more. Segmenting your customers into small groups gives you the much needed understanding of your audience without much hassle. Common segmentation approaches include demographic segmentation, behavioral segmentation, and psychographic segmentation.

5. Analyze customer behavior: Deploy relevant analytical strategies to understand customer behavior. It involves descriptive analytics (e.g., summary statistics, data visualization), predictive analytics (e.g., regression, classification models), or may be advanced techniques such as clustering or association rule mining. However, the choice of Analysis Techniques you follow depends on the objective of your customer behavior analysis and the specific objectives and the nature of the data.

6. Identify patterns and trends: Analyze trends, patterns and correlations with data to gain insights into customer behavior. You can check and analyze purchase frequencies, browsing patterns, seasonal variations, or any other relevant things that might appear relevant from the data. 

7. Interpret insights: After the insights are extracted, it’s crucial to interpret the key findings from the data. It helps you gain actionable insights which you can use to make the most of your acquired information.

8. Reporting and visualization: Get clear, concise, comprehensible visualizations, reports, and dashboards that deliver key findings to the concerned stakeholders. With comprehensive data visualization techniques you can also present complex information in a concise manner

9. Implement strategies and measure outcomes: Customer data help businesses form informed decisions pertaining to customer profiling, segmentation and more. According to that, you can implement strategies to improve customer experiences, boost engagement, and improve their loyalty. With real-time data at your hand you can also apply actionable metrics to measure the impact of these strategies over time. 

10. Continual improvement: Consumer behavior in marketing is a repetitive process and it goes through a series of trials and errors. To get the detailed, day-by-day process, you need to check customer data regularly. Regularly review and update your analysis based on new data, changing customer behavior, or evolving business goals. Continuously refine your analysis techniques to adapt to the dynamic nature of customer behavior.

Remember, the specific steps and level of attention required for each step may vary depending on the objectives, available resources, and the complexity of your customer behavior analysis.

Get a Detailed Customer Behavior Analysis with CRM Software

Using CRM software can drastically transform and enhance your data collection capabilities. It brings a centralized platform to store, monitor, and analyze data. When it comes to selecting CRM Software for behavioral analysis, ConvergeHub stands out as an excellent option. It not only allows seamless integration with your existing tools but also offers extensive customization options, enabling you to design boards that precisely align with your business’s unique analytical requirements.

While using CRM software for your customer behavior analysis several factors come into play.  

  • The quantity of information you collect
  • The data’s accuracy
  • The process of comparison
  • How you will apply the findings to your campaigns

But, it is also crucial to have a platform that will help you manage all the data you’re using clearly and efficiently. That’s where ConvergeHub comes in.

What are the 4 types of customer buying behavior?

Consumer behavior in marketing has four different varieties and depending on these product offerings are designed. Here’s a detailed insight into different types of customer behavioral analysis which further helps you understand how to tailor your product offerings for reaching out to different customer segments.  

1. Complex Buying Behavior

Complex buying behavior is the result of a behavioral trend in which a customer is engaged with frequent purchases from different brands and perceives the products in many different ways. Practically, they do not reflect any uniform behavioral pattern and at the same time they are into extensive research. As a result, they are into making more comparisons, based on product quality, user reviews, brand reputation, price and every other thing that comes into the process of buying decision. While this behavior is pretty apparent in buying highly expensive products, modern customers reflect this particular pattern in buying day-to-day products as well.  

2. Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behavior

Dissonance-reducing buying behavior occurs when customers experience post-purchase doubts or anxiety. It typically happens when customers make expensive or significant purchases. To reduce this dissonance, customers seek reassurance by conducting additional research or seeking positive feedback and reviews. Marketers can address this behavior by providing after-sales support, warranties, and guarantees to alleviate customer concerns.

3. Habitual Buying Behavior

This particular purchase pattern is reflected in your everyday customer base, who are brand loyal and make repeat purchases when they need something that you sell. Their repeat purchase decision is not driven by much thought or evaluation. It often occurs with low-cost, frequently consumed items such as household products, groceries, or personal care items. They are your loyal brand advocates who can be targeted by offering incentives from time to time. Employing effective branding strategies can help businesses grow this customer base..

4. Variety-Seeking Behavior

This is one of the most stunning customer behaviors which is also difficult to address. They seek variety at everything they consider buying. Customers reflecting this behavioral pattern often  seek new experiences or alternatives. These customers exhibit a low level of brand loyalty and enjoy exploring different options. They are open to trying new products and brands to break their routine or find novelty. Marketers can target these customers by introducing new products, offering promotions, or emphasizing unique features to attract their attention.

Understanding these four types of customer buying behavior can help businesses tailor their marketing strategies, messaging, and product offerings to better align with the needs and preferences of their target audience, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful customer acquisition and retention.

What affects consumer behavior?

Customer behavior is driven by both external and internal factors and analyzing these helps marketers decode the  behavior of their ideal customer group and build strategies accordingly. 

1. Personal factors: The demographics, lifestyle, personality, perception, motivation impact the consumer decision to a large extent. It defines the personality of an individual and impacts the way he/she perceives a product.  

2. Psychological factors: These are the factors that influence the mental process of the customers in the buying process. It includes perceptions, learning, attitudes that shape the feelings and opinions of customers.

3. Social factors: The influence of society and social groups impact consumer behavior to a great extent. In this case, the socio-economic condition of the customers impacts customer behavioral patterns.

4. Economic factors: Economic conditions can significantly impact consumer behavior. Based on their spending habits and purchasing power, their behavior is perceived. 

5. Technological factors: Advancements in technology can alter consumer behavior: The rise of ecommerce and unlimited access to product information have influenced customer behavior.

Wrapping Up

Keep in mind that consumer behavior at any given time is extremely complex and varies as per their customary and cultural changes. Moreover, several factors come into play in tandem to shape consumer decisions, eventually the customer decisions. Accordingly SMBs can tailor their marketing efforts and product offerings to create better decisions based on the consumer needs and preferences.

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