Alexa To Improve CSAT Score Like A Pro with Easy to Use CRM

3 Ways To Improve CSAT Score Like A Pro

Productivity | by Patricia Jones
Easy to use CRM

World-class customer support aided with easy to use CRM that boggles the mind of the purchasers on how good their experience was with a support agent is a journey you need to understand and evaluate whilst growing your business.

In fact, the feedback loop in the support landscape is an essential element for building a support operation per excellence.

The average return on investment for CRM is $8.71 for every dollar spent. - Nucleus Research Click To Tweet

However, if your short-term substantiations are just in forms of lower call handling times, and tickets closed, the total idea of your support teams building relationships that can outlast a single purchase and can morph into long-lasting fandom that is capable of delivering more and more customers into your sales funnel – might be in jeopardy.

 What is a CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) Score?

Always remember although your end-game goal may be to close support tickets. However, you must teach your support reps to perform the job with finesse by providing solutions that harbor an element of human interaction which is capable of forging relations that can make your buyers smile and remain happy times and again.

The best time to opt for this feeling in your customer’s head is right after an interaction, which you can create through IVR or by automating a message using chatbots that can provide you feedback times and again.

Three Ways to Improve Your CSAT Score:

  1. SMILE

The ideal goal of any support agent solving and analyzing support tickers from your customers must turn their frown upside down, which they can achieve by:

  1. Sitting upright and smiling while answering their phones.
  2. Personalizing their emails so that your customers feel that they are reading words written by humans and not by a robot.
    For this, your support agents must get used to writing in the same way that they talk so that the same feeling is transmuted to the customers via words.
  3. The SLA’s must temp your support agents into actions. Therefore, chats need to be shorter and carry more fluid responses so that they remain hyper-specific to the problems at hand.
  4. There are instances when social media tickets can be dismissed, but when your brand’s reputation is at risk as the ticket has been raised by angry customers, apologize for the inconvenience and also empower your support agents with refund power and discount coupons to appease the fuming buyer.

Look into the numbers on a weekly or bi-monthly basis, targeting metrics in your easy to use CRM database of the average number of calls handled by your support reps, the average call handling time, number of tickets that are pending vs. those tickets that has been resolved, calls answered vs. calls that were dropped, which can provide you with a clear picture to navigate feedback required for your support teams to improve upon their interactions.

This is because solid data-driven decisions yield hard evidence of where your support reps are falling flat and where they are standing tall, as CSAT scores are the best indicators of whether numbers in the score are in proportion to your customer satisfaction rate.

The most common way to measure the CSAT score using easy to use CRM software is by asking the customers to rate their support experience with a customer feedback survey on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is considered as “very unsatisfied” and 5 “very satisfied” and thereafter doing the math as follows:

Number of Satisfied Customers / Number of Satisfaction Survey Responses X 100 = % of Satisfied Customers.


The force of good spirit is felt in one’s energy when you speak to them in person, but to speak to your customers over the phone, means fixing your voice.

Therefore when your agents answer the calls make sure that:

  1. Your support agents must answer the phone with a warm greeting, such as “Good Morning! My name is Patricia. How may I help you today?
  2. Your support agents must listen more while taking less to allow the customers to vent out whatever frustrations they have with your brand and provide the customers with the resolutions needed to solve their issue(s).
  3. Teach them to apologize to your customers and then resolve the problems your customers are facing so that it helps them to get the CSAT scores up to where you want them to be.
  4. At the end of every support call advice your support reps to summarize the provided solution to ensure that your support reps are on the same page with your customers, which ultimately helps in weeding out unwanted fallbacks on support tickets that need to stay open beyond FCR (First Call Resolution) owing to lack of understanding on the subjected issues.


Companies, especially in startups and small businesses, often purchase products like easy to use CRM software solutions even before creating a plan, since most often they want to view a buyer’s journey that can easily convert and turn customers into repeat buyers of their products and services.

Therefore, once you start using your best CRM for small business to create a fruitful support operation with the help of your easy to use CRM software, grab a pen and paper and begin using support services and raise complains.
Next, study the brands that impress and blows you away with their effective and kind response, put them into a folder and share them with your support teams.

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