Alexa CRM is not just a Technology. I think CRM is more than a software or even a tool.

What does CRM mean to you?

What does CRM mean to you

When you implement a technology like CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in your organization, how do you look at it? Is it a software that the tech guys should take care of? Is it a change in business process that will cause chaos in the short term? Is it a way to increase sales? Streamline your Contacts and Customer database?

Having worked on customizing, building and implementing CRM software for decades, I think CRM is more than a software or even a tool.

CRM is a mindset – to make any CRM implementation successful, organizations need to change the way they think.

CRM is transformation – it transforms how you think about your Customers and how you interact with them. It helps you put your customer’s interest at the center of your organization.

CRM is continuous improvement – CRM is never a deploy-once-and-forget-about-it tool. It is about gaining insights, improving processes, measuring value. Repeat.

CRM is an organization’s heartbeat – In today’s environment where our customers are online, our teammates are remote and the selling process is virtual.. a CRM platform can be the central heartbeat of the entire organization.

I will continue talking about what CRM means to organizations. And I would love to hear about your experiences implementing CRMs.. you can reply to this email and share your CRM implementation story with me.

If your organization is planning to implement a CRM and needs someone to discuss matters, feel free to reach out to me.

If you would like to know more about how ConvergeHub CRM can help drive more revenue for your organization, go ahead and reserve a confidential consultation with one of our experts.

Or, if you like to check it out yourself, create a free ConvergeHub account here.

March 3, 2022