Alexa How To Monitor Customer Service While Using Easy To Use CRM

How To Monitor Customer Service While Using Easy To Use CRM As A Tool

Customer Service | by Patricia Jones

In modern times the competitive environment in businesses has made ‘quality score’ a critical factor for customer service which determines the promotion and growth of loyal customers.

However, in spite of the truth being said, there are still several businesses that are not yet ready or geared to use an easy to use CRM for measuring, monitoring or even manage the quality of service that their contact center agents provide to their customers.

Only 1 in 26 customers will inform a business about their unhelpful experience, the rest simply go away according to customer service facts - Esteban Kolsky Click To Tweet

Although the fact remains ever true that just one single interaction between the agents and the customer, can make or break a business relationship.

American Express recently carried out research in 2019 looking at the state of customer service in the USA, and what they found is devastating.
They found that despite the current booming economic climate, 78% of customers have given up on a transaction because of negative customer experience. While Esteban Kolsky a California based Customer Strategist puts forward that only 1 in 26 customers will inform a business about their unhelpful experience, the rest simply go away according to customer service facts.

So how can you build up your customer relationship and create a loyal customer base if this is the real state of customer service among businesses in the USA?

Possibly the solution to this issue lies in making organizations understand the need to ensure that whatever little interactions a customer has with their contact center agents are handled efficiently, which makes certain that the customer feels satisfied.

Making Quality The ‘Norm’

While the customer’s personal experiences cannot always be totally captured or analyzed, this information like customer’s social media interactions and emails, call recordings in contact centers, when combined along with customer satisfaction survey reports, can provide any organization with an enhanced idea of the customer experience with their company.

Now, these important insights which can be monitored easily with an easy to use CRM on the behavior of the customers provide businesses to boost their services and at the same time customizer their products and services to what the consumers of their offerings want, which as a natural consequence improves customer satisfaction and also loyalty.

Unfortunately, the hard reality in many business organizations is slightly different, as businesses most often struggle to manage their basic call monitoring functions, or strive to arrest additional insights from other channels like instant messaging, emails or even social networking websites.

This means, it has been found too often that the reports for gauging customer experience received from CRM solutions like Salesforce or Salesforce Alternative CRM platforms are put on straightening out in-house performance metrics, tightly monitoring call routines, meeting time SLAs, while the true assessment of the customer experience with the company and the outcome of the calls are put aside and neglected as brands just places a blind eye to these attributes obstinately.

Hence by treating calls as one-off customer-facing issues, the contact center agents risk ignoring the fundamental underlying commonality of the problems, which otherwise could have helped to identify the root cause of the tribulations and thereby forsake the possible ways to prevent the issues from happening again.

What needs to be changed?

The golden key to effective and quality customer experience monitoring includes six vital steps:

  1. Primarily listen to your customer’s questions and needs by monitoring their interactions. Ask yourself pertinent questions such as- are these customer interactions connected to your company’s objectives and goals or are these interactions associated with particular areas of apprehension such as customer attrition? This is where analytics found in easy to use CRM tools sets into motion for the contact centers. You can use text analytics that identifies chat, email communications that should be supervised, and speech analytics or audio mining for filtering calls that are important for evaluation using business growth technology and tools.
  2. Capture all your customer feedback channels for assessment and apply the same quality standards that you used for text-based interactions (chat and email), and calls.
  3. Ask your customers about what they think. Therefore, instead of pondering on your organization’s internal metrics found inside your easy to use CRM solution’s database to evaluate the quality of a call, simply ask your customer- “What did you think of your experience and the customer support agent you worked with?” else, you can also ask- “Did your service experience match the promises we mentioned in our ads?”
    It is highly necessary that you must map all high-quality interactions with your customer’s expectations and compare the internal evaluation scores in the CRM with the customer scores, for properly measuring the quality of a call.
  1. Use holistic quality monitoring to help your service agents improve their skills. Evaluate interactions to spot skill-gaps, and thereafter suggest individual learning opportunities where deficiencies are identified.
  2. Remember not to view agent development as a one-time activity, but provide continuous training that can improve the agent’s performance and productivity. Always bear in mind that uninterrupted coaching of your service agents is the golden key to unswerving customer service.
  3. Gauge and monitor your results and thereafter keep on monitoring the feedback’s from your customers incessantly to find your agent’s progress in their jobs.

Remaining competitive

The act of judging quality across several channels can help companies to understand from their customer’s interactions, which leads to better service, decision-making, and processes that highlight business growth.

Although monitoring, managing, and measuring service and performance quality must remain a priority, nevertheless the  VOC (Voice of the Customer) analytics, across various channels, which can be easily accomplished by using an easy to use CRM platforms, is also equally important for reaching your enhanced customer experience goals.

Take away

Therefore, by adapting to the observation that quality monitoring is a strategic process rather than a tactical one, companies will begin to see an improvement of their customer experience, as customers will steady become their brand advocates since according to Nielsen Survey 92% of consumers trust recommendations from brand advocates; resulting in unimagined and unperceived business growth.

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