If you are like several of our customers using our easy to use CRM software, and you are in the thick of developing and executing numerous marketing campaigns at once, it is natural you must be using different forms of contents for a variety of selling channels to address your leads, prospects, and customers.
In a recent marketing event where we were discussing about measuring Marketing, a participant asked for a list of metrics that can be used to measure the campaign’s performance.
65% of the users of mobile CRM are achieving their sales quotas. While only 22% of reps using non-mobile CRM have reached the same targets. - Nucleus Research Click To TweetHowever, if you are not aware in the very first place at what you are aiming at, how is it possible for you to measure whether you are hitting the right goals?
Therefore, just as a pilot works through a pre-flight checklist before hitting the runway, similarly, every marketer should adhere to these three pivotal steps when creating and executing marketing campaigns to measure its goals.
1. Know Where You Are Aiming
There is no marketing organization that has unlimited resources. Hence, every marketing campaign must serve a clearly defined specific purpose that will bring a positive impact on their business.
Therefore, before creating any campaign, you must recognize what the campaign is expected to impact and how this impact can be measured using your easy to use CRM software.
In other words, do not execute any campaign if its business outcome is not well-defined in advance.
2. Define Performance Targets Before Executing
Next, geared up with a solid business outcome, since your subsequent step is to set each campaign’s performance targets, which can be illustrated as a specific goal the campaign will accomplish within a set period of time.
Executing on time and within (or under) budget is not the performance target. Rather, create measurable and relevant performance targets that you want to relate to your business needs, which you are trying to move.
For example, if your desired business outcome is related to expanding your market share among a particular customer segment, or acquire a specific set of customers in a new market, your performance target for this campaign (taking into consideration the buying cycle that has been deployed) may consist of a certain number of inquiries, appointments, and quote requests.
Nevertheless, whatever be the performance target, the target should be defined in advance, so that all can understand what result the campaign is expected to bring. It is only by pre-setting your campaign’s performance targets you can understand if your aims are viable and true.
Therefore if you are using the best small and medium business CRM software and you do understand the importance of Sales Force Automation, be sure that you remember to incorporate your performance targets before firing your campaigns.
3. Plan How to Measure Your Results
Measurements cannot remain as an afterthought. Your performance targets and business outcome provide insights into what data you will require to measure your campaign’s performance, and how you will strategize to manage that captured data, in addition to what analytic parameters you will apply on that info.
Therefore, to apply any cloud-based business growth technology to support your measurement reports, such as a CRM like Salesforce or any other Salesforce Alternative CRM tool, you need to do your planning in advance, put your elements in place, and thereafter test your performance before you hit the “send” button. Since the only way by which you can truly determine whether your campaigns are moving the needle is when you view their analytic reports.
Following this above-stated process for each of your campaigns will do more than just enable you to measure the success of your campaign, but it will also ensure that each campaign is linked to a business outcome and therefore help you to find out the expenses the campaign will incur accurately.
As per our knowledge, most easy to use CRM users follow this process during budgeting and marketing planning, for this process can be used to justify your budget, renegotiating goal and for applying bonus components to the employees of your company as a result of business growth.