Alexa Turn Customer Feedback Into Marketing Strategy for Business Growth

4 Awesome Tips For Turning Feedback From Customers Into A Marketing Strategy

Productivity | by Patricia Jones
Business Growth

Have you ever thought, when you receive feedback from your customers, how you can use customer feedback to boost your marketing strategy for business growth?

There are several business owners and marketers those that view feedback as a natural part of their branding process and thereby abstain from paying attention to all the ways it can benefit their business.

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Now irrespective of whether it is praise or complain, feedbacks from customers are most necessary to understand your consumers, cater to their requirements, achieve your marketing goals, and more.

Therefore in this article let us look into the four ways that can help your brand to turn feedbacks from customers into a marketing strategy that will help you to increase your businesses’ bottom-line:

  1. Create a Customer Loyalty Program

Do you know it is 5 to 25 times more costly to acquire new customers than to retain your existing ones?

This is because moving leads through the sales funnel takes money, time and resources. But for your existing customers, they are already familiar with your brand and its offerings.

Your present customers already know what they require from your brand and it shows that they like your brand since they keep coming back for more.

Hence, if you continue providing deals and opportunities to your existing customers for their loyalty, it is natural that your present customers will continue buying from your company.

This is the reason as to why customer loyalty programs for any brand are so effective as they cater specifically to the existing customers who have already spent on your business, and are so likely to spend even more since they are familiar with your company and its offerings which adds value to your brand by catering to those high-spending customers.

Therefore, if you want to generate more sales and also keep your recurring buyers happy, create a loyalty program that caters to your high-spending customer since a little appreciation goes a long way in keeping both you and your customers smiling and satisfied in the long haul.

  1. Improve Customer Support

You must have observed that all your consumers have a unique and preferred method for getting in touch with your brand like live chat, phone, social media, emails and more. Hence, it most necessary that the support teams for your brand must pay equal attention to all these channels of communication so that they are capable of providing solutions to all.

Now, the steps that you need to take for improving your customer support activities to a lot extent depend on the feedback that you receive from your customers, which varies across businesses.

Therefore, buy CRM and gather all your customer’s opinions about your brand in a centralized repository like a CRM database to find a bigger picture, which will help you to clearly see what is working and what needs to be modified with respect to the feedbacks that you receive from your customers.

Thank the customer for taking the time to reach you out

Hence it is important as-well-as necessary that you must respond to customer feedback when it comes in so that customers can understand that you are hearing to them and your company is working for providing them a solution.

Using a customer feedback forms is the proper way to ask the right questions to the consumers of your offerings and receive the answers you are looking for.

Now, while replying to a customer’s comments and inquiries you must:

  • Have a well-thought-of strategy in place
  • Do not wait more than 24 hours and respond quickly
  • Offer the right solutions
  • Thank the customers for reaching you out with their comments and issues
  1. Refine Buyer Personas

When customers tell you what they require or what exactly they are looking for, remember that your customers are providing your brand with their valuable insights into how you can improve your business to fulfill their needs.

Hence, leverage this valuable information to refine your buyer personas in your easy to use CRM and thereafter create customer profiles that better reflect the ideal customers for your business.

This is because; if you cannot offer your consumers anything of value (contents, products or services) since you do not know your customers then you will never be able to move your leads and prospects through the sales conversion funnel, generate new leads, or produce an adequate sale for rapid business growth.

Now, buyer personas are most crucial for all modern marketers to gain insights into what their customers want since the more information they have about the customers the more streamlined their marketing strategies will be for boosting sales and revenue.

Additionally, if your brand is incapable of meeting the customer’s needs, and there is a gap in your buyer’s personas that is blocking from delivering to them what they want, your sale will decline steadily resulting in loss of revenue and business growth.

For this, you need to take into account every piece of data from your business growth technology solutions and tools and compile them together to look into the bigger picture in order to find out where your business needs improvements.

For example, if a customer complains that the check out process is complicated in your website and you also notice a progressive lull in your sale, then this feedback is a direct route for solving the problem.

Hence, take into account anything that your customers tell you that are not working with your brand and apply a new marketing strategy (especially if it a recurring issue) and address it right away.

  1. Upgrade Blog Content

Finally, if your website’s Google analytics indicates a lesser volume of traffic to your blog posts or your blog contents are receiving negative comments, revamp your content marketing strategies so that your blogs might serve your consumers in a better way.

Now, as we discussed even before, if you already have your buyer personas outlined, then selecting the ideal contents that will suit your audience’s needs is not at all as difficult as it seems to be.

Knowing your customer’s pain points, interests and inquiries in advance will make it easier for you to create content that can provide genuine solutions and therefore keep your readers engaged.

Using feedback from your consumers you can also create new content for your business website or include whitepapers, checklists and case studies or for that matter anything that brings your audience value to improve lead generation, sales and grow the email list once you buy CRM for your business.


If you want to expand your business, then listen to your customers. Every little piece of customer feedbacks does count because it helps to improve your present business strategies so that your brand can continue getting better and receive more positive results.

Therefore, if you want to expand your business, then it is most important that you must listen to your customers, since every feedback matters as it can help you to improve your current business strategies, recreate your sales cadence , generate sales ready leads, to find better positive results, for boosting business growth.

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