Alexa Have you ever lost a sale due to lack of follow-up? Technology can help.

The race to close a sale

The race to close a sale

The phone rings and your heart stops. Will this be a go or a no-go?

With bated breath you answer the phone. Hello?

Its Cathy from Operations.

It’s a GO, we can fulfill the order, she says. (Or deliver the product, or fund the loan, or develop the project .. or service the prospect in whatever way your business does)


You hang up and call the Prospect immediately to give him the good news.

Hello.. yes this is Joe.. you are calling from which company??
Oh.. sorry but I already got the product/service from another company.. you guys were taking too long..


… Ever happened to you?

Chances are, with the right follow-up, you could have closed this sale. But you got busy with other things and this one slipped through the cracks.

But it does not have to be this way. Technology can help.

With the right technology, you can set up a system where follow-ups happen automatically. When the Prospect reaches a certain stage in the sales process, you get a reminder. Or, you send a reminder to your team member. Or to the prospect. Or to a partner. So that deals don’t fall through the cracks.

ConvergeHub lets you do that.

So that you can focus on other important tasks.

If you would like to know more about how ConvergeHub can help your team streamline the followup process and focus on growing revenue, talk to us.

ConvergeHub is an enterprise-grade Customer Relationship Management software that helps businesses build long-term relationships with their customers and prospects. It is easy to implement, can be quickly customized to suit any business, needs very little training and will quickly get your business on the path to 10X growth.

Or, if you like to check it out yourself, go ahead and create a free ConvergeHub account here.

May 26, 2022