Alexa Remember Search features launch for ConvergeHub | ConvergeHub

Remember Search features launch for ConvergeHub

CRM | by Patricia Jones
ConvergeHub CRM Remember Search

Remember Search features launch for ConvergeHub

The final countdown is on!

Tomorrow, we will be launching the much awaited Remember Search feature that will completely change the way you do your searches in ConvergeHub.

This is just the feature that many of you have been asking for – and we can hear your shrieks of excitement, all the way up to our office in California!

You have asked for a functionality in ConvergeHub CRM that will remember your searches with a single click of the mouse.. and we obliged.

Knowing that having to search again and again for the same information is annoying in a busy working environment, we at ConvergeHub, have introduced a SINGLE CLICK Remember Search functionality that:

Remembers Your Last Search Results Even If You Have Left The Search Results List Page And Have Moved To A Different Page or Module In ConvergeHub.

Note: You can even click on a specific row of the search results List page to visit the Detail page and after viewing its detailed contents navigate back to the search results List page, and your search results will still be there for you.

There’s More:

If you have searched for certain values in any module and have clicked on the Remember Search checkbox, and then moved to any other modules and have made individual searches, while also checking on those Remember Search checkboxes- all the individual search results will be retained in all the modules, no matter how many times you have jumped back and forth between them.

Watch this short video to learn how you can use this all new Remember Search functionality in ConvergeHub:


Here is a step by step guide with screenshots, on how this functionality can be used in ConvergeHub:

  • Open any Module that has Search functionality
  • Click on Advance Search and add your search criteria
  • Click on Search button and your search criteria will be displayed in the Current Search Window

Advance Search ConvergeHub CRM

  • Check the ‘Remember’ checkbox to remember the search criteria and search results

Remember Search ConvergeHub CRM

  • Visit any other Module or Page in ConvergeHub
  • Go back to the previous Module, where you had searched
  • See that the remembered search criteria and search results is retained

Search Criteria ConvergeHub

You can even remember previously saved searches from Saved Search functionality. To do this:

  • Click on Saved Searches dropdown
  • Select any Saved Search from the dropdown
  • The Current Search section displays the Saved Search criteria

Saved Search Criteria ConvergeHub

So apart from the Advanced Search section which helps in:

– Displaying all the search criteria you have searched and

– Saving a search criteria in Saved Search dropdown as needed

The Remember Search functionality in ConvergeHub CRM helps in remembering and retaining the search criteria and the results of your search, in all the modules individually, till your work gets done.

If you have any suggestions or questions on this functionality, write here in comment section. We are always here to help.


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