Do You Think A Cloud Based CRM Solution Will Future-Proof Your Small Business?

It is unnecessary to say that in order to thrive in 2018, all small businesses must remain prepared to utilize the latest technology in hand. Whether it is sales forecasting with the help of a cloud based CRM solution, big data analysis, or even digital marketing and social media, it is technology that holds the key to communicating with the consumers on their individual terms. At that too possibly, in the least intrusive way, so that it provides the consumers a convenient and clear path that eventually leads to a sale.

It is unnecessary to say that in order to thrive in 2018, all small businesses must remain prepared to utilize the latest technology in hand. Whether it is sales forecasting with the help of a cloud based CRM systems , big data analysis, or even digital marketing and social media, it is technology that holds the key to communicating with the consumers on their individual terms.  At that too possibly, in the least intrusive way, so that it provides the consumers a convenient and clear path that eventually leads to a sale.

CRM software returns an average of $5.60 for every dollar spent. Click To Tweet

As modern technology is advancing at a breakneck speed, businesses can often find themselves unable to stay on trend or keep themselves updated on the latest technological developments.

It is true, that it takes a significant amount of money and time to implement a new solution across a company and this is the exact reason we cannot blame small businesses for being so skeptical of adopting smart business solutions when they remain unsure if this technology will stand the test of time. A critical problem that plagues prospective users of CRM solution systems in particular, since Customer Relationship Management has evolved a lot since its inception when the term was coined in 1995.

The Customer Relationship Management Paradox

A CRM implementation is perhaps one of the most complex yet at the same instance most transforming product adoption that a small business organization can undergo. Requiring all departments in the company to cleanse the data before migrating it, train the employees in getting used to the new software, and then most necessarily catch up with the backlogs of the works that have been delayed by the change in the organizational process.

Therefore, it might take some time before small businesses can really start to benefit from the new CRM solution, although it is well worth the sacrifice, especially if they understand that the product adoption is future-proofed.

Once a small and medium business has identified that it needs a CRM system, the primary obstacle it may encounter is whether its CRM solution should be an on-premise or a cloud based CRM system. Now, we know all businesses are different and so it would be an irresponsible act to advise either way. Since businesses should always adopt a product that best suits their individual needs.

Nevertheless, there are clear advantages and disadvantages of both these CRM systems as illustrated below:

Should You Adopt An On-Premise Or A Cloud-Based CRM Solution?

Those businesses having a long history in trade and commerce will surely be familiar with on-premise CRM solutions, which can be installed on local networks and is most commonly developed or administered by a permanent member of IT staffs, employed by the organization. On-premise CRM software platforms are generally unreachable for anyone out of the network, which makes it an ideal CRM solution for small business employees that do not need remote access to the software.

On-premise CRM also aids with security, as only permanent staffs working in the organization gets access to the CRM system.

Many businesses also prefer Capital Expenditure (CapEx) versus the modern day subscription-based model (OpEx) of the software for accounting purposes.

Therefore the decision to implement an On-Premise CRM or a Cloud Based CRM solution, not only lies in the hands of the marketing and sales, or IT and Ops, but also with Finance.

Moreover, on-premise CRM solutions can often be left behind with technological upgrades, since many small businesses may not choose to periodically upgrade their CRM platform due to lack of compatibility with their customized solution, as well as the fear of losing data or the disruption it will cause to the routine use of the software.

Additionally, with the CRM data stored in the local server, which is not accessible from outside the network, this can also create a bigger data risk than cloud based CRM solutions that can be accessed from online portals.

This is because, there are several instances when users are forced to share their customer data in CRM via external communicational platforms or emails for the purpose of networking or sales calls, thoughtless of the alarming fact that this data being sent could be compromised.

This where the real benefits of a cloud based CRM system come into play. Since a cloud based CRM solution is inherently future proof.

With live updates released on a regular basis, online cloud based CRM platforms are constantly optimized, as well as well guarded against all latest cyber threats.

Whether it is an improvement to be done on the user interface, an adherence to be made to the latest General Data Protection Regulation (EU) law, or even for a major product update, cloud based CRM platforms like ConvergeHub and others use regular and subtle updates. Therefore, unburdening the CRM users by guaranteeing them minimal disruption to their work.

Integrations are also made much simpler when the data is stored in the cloud, with several web-based systems making product integration as easy as ‘drag and drop’ functionalities, which is becoming increasingly useful given the value of marketing products and solutions via social media platforms.

Easy to use CRM platforms, especially those that boast of their marketing automation features, should always embrace the cutting-edge modern communication technology for the CRM users to get the most out of sales and marketing. Therefore, small businesses that still use on-premise CRM software that predate the advent of modern social media platforms, often find themselves stuck with outdated marketing strategies, as popular integrations are almost impossible to implement without a major product update.

Is future proofing CRM technology ever truly possible?

While adopting cloud based CRM platforms like ConvergeHub can help to future-proof your small business endeavors, honestly speaking, there is really no way to predict the direction in which technology will go.

However, as of date, cloud based CRM system merely offers us the option of constantly staying up-to-date, providing us with every possible advantage as CRM technology advances with time.

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Nevertheless, to sum up, small businesses that are capable enough to justify the time investment and financial outlay and benefit from the limitless product integration of a SaaS-based software should seriously consider using a cloud based CRM solution, which is also easy to use.
Since implementing a cloud based CRM for small businesses in the modern times will at least ensure future proofing your CRM solution until the next breakthrough in technology- as for what that will be, your guess is as good as mine.

6 Customer Management and Sales Strategies to Knockout Your Competition Flat

As a small business owner, you must be having huge plans for your business. The goals for your startup organization may include providing the best possible offers to your customers, sell more than your competitions, hire highly skilled employees, and someday make your organization be a part of the Fortune 500 company lists. However, regardless of all these dreams, you can only make your imaginations only come true if you employ the best possible sales strategies to beat your completion by using an easy to use CRM solution that helps businesses to gain more leads, find new customers and increase the customer lifecycle by managing the customer and their interactions with your company.

As a small business owner, you must be having huge plans for your business. The goals for your startup organization may include providing the best possible offers to your customers, sell more than your competitions, hire highly skilled employees, and someday make your organization be a part of the Fortune 500 company lists.
However, regardless of all these dreams, you can only make your imaginations only come true if you employ the best possible sales strategies to beat your completion by using an easy to use CRM solution that helps businesses to gain more leads, find new customers and increase the customer lifecycle by managing the customer and their interactions with your company.

Effective sales organizations are 81% more likely to be practicing consistent usage of a CRM or other system of record- Aberdeen Group Click To Tweet

We hope that with the help of these following tips, your business will be on its way to new heights by increasing sales and bringing in more revenue:

  1. Follow Through

This might seem obvious, but following through is often overlooked as your business grows with time. For example, if during your last meeting, you have promised to fax a brochure, send an email, or touch base with additional information, then do it. Remember in sales you are only as good as your words and therefore following through with your promises will give you and your company the credibility you need to secure future sales.
If you know what is a CRM platform, and has adopted one to help your business, using an easy to use CRM software always helps you to remember your commitments just in time, so that the promises that you made to your leads, prospects, and customers do not fall through the crack.

  1. Foster An Ongoing Relationship

Making a sale can be exciting both for you and for your organization. However, things should not stop over here. Repeat business from existing customers by up-selling and cross-selling your offerings, is an excellent way to build and nourish an ongoing relationship with the buyers of your products and services, increasing the Customer Lifetime Value of your consumers. If you are a user of a best small business CRM software, it can easily remind you to call your customers to see how things are going. It can also find out their personal preferences, a few weeks after your sale and then send automated and customized email campaigns to keep them aware of your new offerings as per their respective interests.

At times, the post-sales conversation with your customers does not always need to revolve around business matters. Per say, if you and your customer have a common interest in baseball, gardening, or movies, talking about such out-of-business topics helps in showing that you care for them and that you genuinely appreciated their social activities.

  1. Stick To Deadlines

Let us assume you have a sale going through this Sunday. A customer tells you that the person is interested in buying your goods or services; however, that individual cannot close the deal until next week. What do you do? Do you extend the sale offer to accommodate the customer’s needs?  No. We recommend sticking to your sales deadlines helps in building credibility and heighten the sense of urgency around the purchase decision-making process.
Nevertheless, occasionally this policy can be altered on a case-to-case basis, especially if after looking into the customer data in your easy to use CRM; you believe that the customer will not ask for a sale extension again, as the person has never requested anything as such before.

Therefore, talk to your sales reps about individual situations before taking actions to better understand your buyer’s needs.

  1. Do Not Rush For Referrals

Referrals are one of the most reliable ways to build and grow your business. However, it is important not to ask for a referral too soon. Therefore, before asking for a referral, get a pulse on how your customer is feeling about your brand and your company. Primarily, you need to understand that your customers are overwhelmingly happy with your product or service, and customer support before you request for the referral.

For this, try communicating with your selected customers on the phone a few weeks after the beginning of your post-sales relationship. Ask them how they are feeling about your organization and only if they respond favorably, you may consider it to be the right time to see if they know about someone who may be interested in your offerings.

Never be scared to ask for a referral, you will be surprised to learn how generous happy customers can be.

  1. Practice Active Listening

Think back to the last time you spoke with your best friend. Chances are good that he or she actively listened to how you were doing and subsequently for their attentiveness; you came back from the conversation feeling loved and refreshed.

The best sales reps recreate these same feelings by asking their leads and customers probing questions about their business and then let them tell their requirements in detail.

Active listening on your part makes the customer feel that you care for their needs and is not just focused on hard selling.
Make the conversation meander around what you can do for them and you will likely have a loyal customer, who will remain for a long time.

  1. Be Cordial When Discussing The Competition

Lastly, badmouthing the competition in front of a prospective customer is never a good idea. Although there is nothing wrong in discussing the competitors of your brand with your customer and explaining where your offerings stand tall, nevertheless, try to stay miles away from saying something outright negative about your contenders.
Actually, any sort of backbiting behavior will reflect poorly on you and your organization. Therefore, it is always best to tread the high road and be cordial when discussing the competition in front of your consumers.


We guess, entrepreneurs, small business owners who are users of easy to use CRM software platforms, and sales reps, those who use these tips to knock out their competitors, by showing that they are polished professionals are the ones whom anyone will be proud to do business with.

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Therefore, using these tips along with the best small business CRM software solution like ConvergeHub is sure to get you more sales and thereby help your small business to amass more revenue.