Perfecting Personalization: The Role of ConvergeHub in Charting Your Business Success

Amidst cutting-throat competition customer expectations are transforming fiercely with personalization playing the sole differentiator at every stage. This shift in focus from generic marketing to personalized interactions has become more evident than ever.

Amidst cutting-throat competition customer expectations are transforming fiercely with personalization playing the sole differentiator at every stage. This shift in focus from generic marketing to personalized interactions has become more evident than ever. Personalization,  to be specific, has emerged as one of  the leading  megatrends that shape up customer expectation in recent times. To cope up with this transformation, ConvergeHub, the all-in-one CRM  Software helps businesses provide high-precision personalized service at every level.

ConvergeHub: A Front-Runner in Crafting Personalized Customer Connections

ConvergeHub is an all-in-one CRM  Software that helps analyze customer interactions at every step and accordingly manage relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. The functionalities of ConvergeHub empower your marketing, sales and support team to consolidate customer information and provide valuable insights into customer behavior at every step. As a prominent Salesforce alternative, ConvergeHub brings you customized solutions  from day one. Featured with  four different modules- Sales, marketing, Support and  billing,  ConvergeHub helps  businesses  create targeted and personalized strategies that enhance customer satisfaction and drive revenue growth.

The concept of CRM has evolved in recent times. From a simple contact management tool to an all-in-one system, a modern CRM software encompasses various aspects of customer interaction. Initially, CRM systems were primarily used as a customer data storage, but their role has expanded to include advanced features such as data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Personalization  is the Survival Imperative in the 21sxt Century  Business Landscape

In the age of digital transformation, customers expect personalized experiences across all touchpoints. According to a survey, 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is very important to winning their business. This expectation extends beyond just product recommendations; customers now demand personalized communication, timely responses, and relevant content.

Impact on Customer Loyalty

Personalization is not merely a trend; it’s a powerful tool for building customer loyalty. A study by Accenture found that 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that provide relevant offers and recommendations. CRM software plays a pivotal role in understanding customer preferences and behavior, allowing businesses to tailor their offerings to individual needs.

How ConvergeHub  Perfects Personalization Strategies

Data Centralization

One of the fundamental features of CRM software is its ability to centralize customer data. Instead of having fragmented data across various departments, CRM systems offer a unified view of customer information. 

This centralized database becomes the foundation for personalized interactions, as businesses can leverage a comprehensive understanding of customer history, preferences, and engagement.

With ConvergeHub, companies get a 360-degree view of their customers.Through its platform, companies can consolidate customer data, including interactions from sales, marketing, and customer service. 

This centralized data allows businesses to create personalized marketing campaigns, targeted sales strategies, and customized customer service experiences.

Automation and AI-driven Insights

The relentless progression of AI and machine learning capabilities is set to propel CRM systems into a new era of sophistication. Anticipating customer behavior will reach unprecedented levels of accuracy, ushering in an era where hyper-personalization becomes the standard. Unlike conventional segmentation approaches, hyper-personalization delves deep into real-time insights, enabling businesses to craft experiences that are uniquely tailored to each customer.

This nuanced level of personalization extends beyond mere demographic categorization, considering individual preferences, historical interactions, and even current contextual cues. As CRM systems evolve to harness these cutting-edge technologies, businesses stand poised to redefine customer engagement by delivering not just tailored content, but truly individualized and seamless experiences.

Run Personalized Marketing Campaigns

ConvergeHub stands at the forefront of this transformative landscape, empowering businesses to transcend generic marketing strategies through the creation of highly targeted and personalized campaigns. Leveraging advanced analytical tools, ConvergeHub facilitates a comprehensive examination of customer data, enabling businesses to segment their audience with unparalleled precision. Whether based on demographics, behavioral patterns, or individual preferences, this granular segmentation becomes the cornerstone for crafting bespoke content and offers.

By tailoring marketing initiatives to align with the unique characteristics of each segment, businesses not only enhance the relevance of their communications but also significantly amplify the potential for customer engagement and conversion. In essence, ConvergeHub doesn’t just provide a platform; it catalyzes a paradigm shift in how businesses connect with their audience, fostering a more intimate and effective relationship through the strategic application of personalized marketing.

How ConvergeHub Cope Up with the Shifting Gears in Customer Service

Enhanced Customer Service Experiences

ConvergeHub  extends its benefits to customer service by providing a holistic view of customer interactions. Service agents armed with comprehensive customer data can offer more personalized and efficient support. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also contributes to long-term customer loyalty.

Proactive Issue Resolution

CRM systems equipped with predictive analytics enable businesses to identify and address potential issues proactively. By analyzing customer data, businesses can anticipate problems, such as product defects or service issues, and take corrective actions before they escalate. This proactive approach not only mitigates customer dissatisfaction but also showcases a commitment to customer well-being.

ConvergeHub and Sales Optimization

Personalized Sales Strategies

CRM software transforms the sales process by providing valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Sales teams can leverage this information to tailor their approach, offering personalized product recommendations and targeted promotions. This level of personalization not only increases the chances of conversion but also fosters stronger customer relationships.

Streamlined Sales Processes

CRM software streamlines sales processes by automating routine tasks and providing a centralized platform for collaboration. Sales teams can track customer interactions, manage leads, and prioritize opportunities more effectively. This efficiency allows sales representatives to spend more time engaging with customers and tailoring their approach to individual needs.

The Future Perspective: ConvergeHub and Personalization

Integration with Emerging Technologies

The future of CRM lies in its integration with emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT). These technologies have the potential to further enhance personalization by creating immersive and context-aware customer experiences.

Hyper-Personalization Through Predictive Analytics

As AI and machine learning capabilities continue to advance, CRM systems will become even more adept at predicting customer behavior. Hyper-personalization, where customer interactions are highly tailored based on real-time insights, will become the norm. This level of personalization goes beyond traditional segmentation, allowing businesses to deliver individualized experiences to each customer.

Challenges and Considerations to Embrace the Full Potential of ConvergeHub

While CRM software offers immense benefits for perfecting personalization, businesses must navigate challenges to maximize its effectiveness. Privacy concerns, data security, and the need for ethical use of customer data are critical considerations. Striking the right balance between personalization and privacy is essential to building and maintaining customer trust.

Addressing Privacy Concerns

As businesses collect and utilize vast amounts of customer data, privacy concerns become increasingly prevalent. Customers are becoming more aware of the value of their personal information and expect businesses to handle it responsibly. To address privacy concerns, businesses must be transparent about their data practices, obtain explicit consent, and prioritize data security.

Ensuring Data Accuracy

Moreover, data quality is integral for making informed business decisions. When CRM software is fueled by precise and up-to-date information, organizations can gain valuable insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and trends. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to tailor their strategies effectively, anticipating customer needs and enhancing overall satisfaction. Additionally, accurate data facilitates targeted marketing campaigns, reducing the risk of sending irrelevant messages and improving the likelihood of customer engagement.

Furthermore, a well-maintained CRM system fosters collaboration within the organization. Teams across sales, marketing, and customer support can seamlessly share and access accurate data, fostering a unified understanding of customer interactions. This synergy enables a cohesive customer experience, as each department can contribute insights based on the most current information available. In essence, the continuous upkeep of CRM data not only safeguards against errors but also becomes a catalyst for organizational efficiency and strategic decision-making.

Ethical Use of AI

The growing integration of AI necessitates a heightened focus on ethical considerations. Beyond the technical advancements, businesses must grapple with the challenges of algorithmic bias, potential unintended consequences stemming from AI-driven decisions, and the looming specter of discrimination. Proactive measures to address these concerns become paramount. By prioritizing ethical AI practices, businesses can mitigate the risks associated with biased algorithms and safeguard against unintentional negative impacts. Ensuring that personalization efforts align with principles of fairness and transparency not only fortifies customer trust but also positions businesses as responsible stewards of emerging technologies, navigating the delicate balance between innovation and ethical responsibility.

The Key Takeaway

In the era of customer-centric business models, perfecting personalization is not just a strategy; it’s a survival imperative for the SMBs and other growing businesses. CRM software emerges as a powerful ally in this pursuit, providing businesses with the tools and insights needed to understand, engage, and delight customers on an individual level.

Through real-life examples, statistical data, and a comprehensive exploration of CRM’s impact on marketing, customer service, and sales, it becomes evident that CRM is not just a technological solution but a strategic imperative. As businesses continue to evolve and adapt to changing customer expectations, CRM software will play a central role in shaping the future of personalized customer experiences.

By embracing the capabilities of CRM, businesses can not only meet but exceed customer expectations, building lasting relationships that drive loyalty and sustainable growth. As we look to the future, the integration of CRM with emerging technologies and the evolution towards hyper-personalization through predictive analytics will further solidify CRM’s position as a cornerstone in the quest for perfecting personalization in the modern business landscape.

The Role of ConvergeHub to Enhance Your Omnichannel Marketing Efforts

ConvergeHub is a robust customer relationship management (CRM) platform designed to empower businesses with comprehensive tools and features to enhance customer engagement and drive sales.

Omnichannel marketing has been a buzzword long back in the era when “multichannel” marketing was mainstream. However, lately “omnichannel” marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy, allowing businesses to connect with customers across multiple touchpoints. Today, when consumers expect personalized and cohesive interactions, implementing an effective omnichannel marketing approach is essential.

With a host of features at ConvergeHub, your omnichannel marketing efforts take the next leap. Let’s explore how ConvergeHub helps businesses enhance their marketing efforts.

Understanding Omnichannel Marketing: A Brief Overview

Omnichannel marketing is a strategy that focuses on providing a unified and cohesive customer experience across all channels and devices. Unlike multichannel marketing, where different channels operate in silos, omnichannel marketing ensures seamless integration and communication between various channels, such as social media, email, mobile apps, and physical stores. This approach allows businesses to deliver consistent messaging and personalized interactions, regardless of the platform or device customers are using.

The Role of ConvergeHub in Omnichannel Marketing

ConvergeHub is a robust customer relationship management (CRM) platform designed to empower businesses with comprehensive tools and features to enhance customer engagement and drive sales.

Here’s how ConvergeHub aids businesses in implementing successful omnichannel marketing strategies:

1. Centralized Customer Data Management

ConvergeHub acts as a centralized hub for managing customer data. It consolidates information from various sources, including social media, emails, website interactions, and more. This unified view of customer data allows businesses to understand customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, enabling personalized and targeted marketing campaigns.

2. Seamless Integration of Communication Channels

ConvergeHub seamlessly integrates multiple communication channels, such as email, social media, and live chat, into a single platform. This integration ensures that businesses can engage with customers in real-time, respond to inquiries promptly, and maintain consistent communication across different channels.

3. Personalized Marketing Campaigns

As already mentioned ConvergeHub stores customers’ data analyzing customer data stored in ConvergeHub, businesses can create highly targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. The platform’s robust analytics and segmentation tools enable businesses to tailor their messages based on customer demographics, preferences, and purchase history. Personalized marketing efforts significantly enhance customer engagement and increase the likelihood of conversions.

4. Real-time Customer Engagement

ConvergeHub offers real-time tracking and monitoring of customer interactions. Businesses can track customer engagement across various channels and respond promptly to customer inquiries or feedback. This real-time engagement capability ensures that customers receive timely and relevant information, enhancing their overall experience with the brand.

5. Automation and Workflow Management

ConvergeHub automates repetitive tasks and workflows, allowing businesses to focus on strategic aspects of their omnichannel marketing campaigns. Automation ensures that marketing messages are sent at the right time, to the right audience, and through the most effective channels. This not only saves time but also improves the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

6. Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting

ConvergeHub provides detailed analytics and reporting features that allow businesses to measure the performance of their omnichannel marketing campaigns. By analyzing key metrics such as customer engagement, conversion rates, and ROI, businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their strategies. Data-driven decision-making further optimizes future marketing campaigns.

Advantages for the Customers’

Let’s take this example. An online retailer, facing the challenge of delivering personalized shopping experiences to its customers can leverage ConvergeHub, to see tangible improvement in the following segments:

  • 360-Degree Customer View: ConvergeHub aggregated customer data from online interactions, social media, and in-store purchases, providing your company with a comprehensive view of customer preferences and behaviors.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Utilizing ConvergeHub’s segmentation and analytics tools, your online retailing shop can create personalized product recommendations for customers. This led to a 20% increase in average order value and a 15% boost in customer retention.
  • Real-time Customer Support: ConvergeHub’s integrated live chat and social media modules enable your retail shop to provide instant customer support. Response times improved by 30%, leading to higher customer satisfaction and positive reviews.
  • Multi-channel Campaigns: Leveraging ConvergeHub’s marketing automation module helps create targeted email campaigns, social media promotions, and SMS notifications. This coordinated approach results in a 25% increase in online sales within the first quarter of implementation.

Wrapping Up: Elevate Your Omnichannel Marketing Strategy with ConvergeHub

In the digital age, delivering consistent and personalized experiences across multiple channels is key to retaining customers and driving revenue. ConvergeHub serves as a valuable ally for businesses aiming to implement effective omnichannel marketing strategies. By centralizing customer data, integrating communication channels, enabling personalized campaigns, facilitating real-time engagement, automating workflows, and offering comprehensive analytics, ConvergeHub empowers businesses to create seamless and engaging customer journeys.

Stay ahead in the competitive landscape by embracing ConvergeHub and revolutionizing your omnichannel marketing approach. Elevate your brand, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth with ConvergeHub – the ultimate solution for mastering the art of omnichannel marketing.

Nailing Success with CRM Software for eCommerce: Features & Examples

For the eCommerce businesses, ever-evolving customer demands are no longer a strange thing. Instead, it’s a strategic imperative in a fiercely competitive environment. It’s obvious that eCommerce success isn’t just about selling products; it’s about weaving perfect kinds of customer experiences, loyalty, and seamless transactions. That’s where the pivotal role of CRM software comes in. A CRM Software for eCommerce is designed keeping the business needs in mind. Plus, the automation features in the software accelerate your sales and marketing efforts to the next level.

A Gartner report reveals that eCommerce companies investing in CRM technology experience a 65% improvement in sales quotas attainment. Studies have shown that marketing automation can boost sales productivity by 14.5% while cutting marketing costs by 12.2%. 

A CRM software for eCommerce automates everything and further takes better control of the collected data and utilizes it to strengthen customer experiences. Whether your objective is to boost sales, acquire more customers and retain those, it’s crucial to enhance team productivity, a CRM tool can help you achieve it effortlessly.

The Role of CRM Software for eCommerce

At its core, CRM software is designed to streamline customer interactions, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive sales growth. For eCommerce businesses, it serves as a multifaceted tool, offering features like customer data management, marketing automation, sales tracking, and customer support ticketing, all integrated into a single platform.

Here’s how the amazing features of ConvergeHub can  help eCommerce business  owners  drive their success.    

Features that Amplify eCommerce Success

Streamlined Customer Data Management

ConvergeHub revolutionizes how eCommerce businesses manage their customer data. By offering a centralized repository for all customer interactions and transactions, it ensures that businesses have a 360-degree view of their clientele. This comprehensive understanding allows for personalized marketing, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.

Discover a seamless and robust solution for organizing your business contacts in a unified, collaborative database. Easily input contacts manually or import them from external sources using our Import tool and Developer API. Access vital contact details, such as emails, phone numbers, meeting notes, to-do lists, and documents, all conveniently located in the Contact Details section. Gain insights into the communication history between your company and each contact to enhance customer service. Additionally, add tasks, comments, notes, and events, and attach files to contacts for comprehensive management. Stay connected with your contacts through email, phone, FAX, and SMS with effortless ease.

Intelligent Marketing Automation

One of ConvergeHub’s standout features is its intelligent marketing automation capabilities. It empowers eCommerce businesses to craft tailored marketing campaigns that resonate with individual customer segments.Get a real-time snapshot of key metrics from ConvergeHub dashboard. Users can know about the latest developments in marketing and sales activities from four different panels – Deals By Expected Close Date, Leads By Source, Lead Acquisition and Deal Acquisition.

Whether it’s sending targeted product recommendations, personalized discounts, or exclusive offers, ConvergeHub’s automation tools ensure that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time, significantly boosting conversion rates.

eCommerce businesses can easily target different priority markets by running automated marketing campaigns. 

For example- Creating separate lists from targets, accounts, leads, and contacts and further link them to the campaigns. This way, it’s easier to reach out to a larger customer base at a time without even worrying about crafting tailored marketing messages for each of them. 

Simplified Sales Processes

ConvergeHub streamlines the entire sales process, from lead generation to conversion. Its intuitive interface enables sales teams to track leads, monitor sales pipelines, and forecast future sales trends. By providing real-time insights, ConvergeHub equips eCommerce businesses with the tools to make data-driven decisions, enhancing their sales strategies and, ultimately, their revenue.

Collaborate seamlessly using ConvergeHub’s Account Management module. Empower sales representatives, managers, and authorized personnel to access a comprehensive account history from a centralized repository. Create tasks, schedule events, and add comments and notes to accounts for efficient management. Communicate with accounts effortlessly via email, phone, FAX, and SMS. Attach files directly from your computer or ConvergeHub Library to enhance account documentation. Gain a deeper understanding of accounts by linking them to relevant leads, deals, and contacts. Explore past deals to identify buying patterns, analyze opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, and establish loyalty programs for strategic growth.

Exceptional Customer Support

For any business, customer support is non-negotiable. And that’s true in the eCommerce realm as well. ConvergeHub enhances customer support experiences by centralizing all customer inquiries and issues (as already mentioned). Its ticketing system ensures that no query goes unanswered, leading to improved customer satisfaction levels. Swift and efficient support not only resolves problems but also builds trust, fostering long-term customer relationships. In the  eCommerce domain, customer queries are everyday affairs. From return policies to product  queries, a CRM software for eCommerce helps support teams have a look at everything from a single location.  

Integration Capabilities

ConvergeHub understands the importance of a seamless workflow. Its integration capabilities allow eCommerce businesses to connect ConvergeHub with other essential tools and platforms. Whether it’s integrating with email marketing software, payment gateways, or social media platforms, ConvergeHub ensures that businesses have a cohesive ecosystem, optimizing their operations for maximum efficiency and profitability.

The predefined email campaign templates in ConvergeHub helps enhance your email marketing strategy with targeted content using our range of predefined email templates. 

Select from six distinct categories: My Templates, Business, Seasonal Holiday, Newsletter, Showcase, and Press Release to align your communication effectively. Additionally, tailor or craft dynamic email templates effortlessly using ConvergeHub’s Rich-Text HTML Editor to suit your specific needs.

Data-Driven Decision Making

In today’s data-driven landscape, ConvergeHub equips eCommerce enterprises with vital insights. Harnessing advanced analytics and reporting tools, businesses can gauge the impact of their marketing endeavors, monitor customer interactions, and spot emerging trends. Armed with this knowledge, eCommerce entities can make well-informed choices, fine-tune their approaches, and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic eCommerce realm. With detailed metrics at their fingertips, businesses can adapt swiftly, ensuring they remain ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital marketplace. Ultimately, advanced analytics and reporting tools are invaluable assets for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital marketplace.

Here are the eCommerce brands that have garnered success using CRM Software

Amazon: The eCommerce giant utilizes CRM software to analyze customer behaviors, recommend products, and personalize user experiences. Through its robust CRM system, Amazon achieved a 29% increase in sales within a year.

Shopify: Shopify, a leading eCommerce platform, leverages CRM tools to empower its merchants. By providing in-depth customer insights, Shopify enables businesses to tailor their offerings, resulting in a significant 20% growth in customer retention rates.

Zappos: Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer, attributes its exceptional customer service to CRM implementation. By centralizing customer data and integrating it with their support system, Zappos achieved a remarkable 75% customer satisfaction rate, leading to increased repeat business.

Last but not the least

ConvergeHub is a highly customizable cloud CRM solution that brings tailored features to suit your industry-specific needs. It is not just a CRM software; it’s a strategic ally that propels eCommerce businesses toward unparalleled success. According to a study by Nucleus Research, businesses earn $8.71 for every dollar spent on CRM software. By unifying customer data, automating marketing efforts, optimizing sales processes, providing exceptional customer support, enabling seamless integrations, and facilitating data-driven decision-making, ConvergeHub empowers eCommerce ventures to not only meet customer expectations but exceed them, thereby securing their position as industry leaders. As eCommerce businesses continue to evolve, ConvergeHub stands as the cornerstone upon which their success stories are built.

What Is CRM Marketing and How It Can Boost Your Marketing Plans

The answer to the question what is CRM marketing lies in the process by which marketing managers can track customer’s interests, record their behavior, watch the customer’s interaction to the campaigns to ensure campaigns and marketing messages are meeting their needs in the best possible ways.

Many in marketing and sales industry are familiar with the word CRM; however, few understand what is CRM marketing, as customer relationship management is often illustrated as a sales tool.

CRM as we know generally helps to track the outreach of your sales team, provide in-depth information about each prospective and current customer, and help your sales representative plan out strategies to close the deals.

However, CRM marketing is a newer breed of technology, which is developed to facilitate relationship-building activities for the marketing team, and often at a much larger scale, permitting both B2B and B2C organizations to plan and track interactions with their customers.

With the ability to track customer interactions across multiple channels and customize marketing plans according to those data, multichannel CRMs marketing (also known as Social CRM or SCRM) are essential for building a real 1:1 customer relationships at scale.

Therefore, the answer to the question what is CRM marketing lies in the process by which marketing managers can track customer’s interests, record their behavior, watch the customer’s interaction to the campaigns to ensure campaigns and marketing messages are meeting their needs in the best possible ways.

However, since every customer’s interest and behaviors are different, using personalization in campaigns leads to increase the conversion rates and encourage happy customers to stick to your brand.

CRM Marketing is most needed today as nowadays consumers are bombarded with all sorts of offers and messages that springs out of every corner of the business world.

Everyone is marketing these days.

Have you ever noticed how many times you receive promotional emails every single day, from a brand that you signed-up for? And more importantly, how frequently do you actually read them?

So consequentially, it has never been as difficult as it is now, for marketers to win customers, as everyone is on social media and everyone, as said before, is marketing their brands.

The rate of content generation is simply incredible these days. According to a report published by Science Daily, it has been suggested that more than 90% of all the data that is found on the internet now has been generating in these last few years.

Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google has been quoted as saying that more content is created now in 48 hours than it was ever produced between the advent of internet technology up until 2003.

Since everyone now has a blog so, all can comment and share their ideas. According to WordPress, every minute WordPress users alone posts 347 blogs in their platform.

So, this mind-blowing acceleration of information affects the way we go about marketing in this digital world.

Bid Goodbye to One-Size-Fits-All Approach

With the spread of social media channels as a natural outcome of the rapid boom of modern technology, customers have become tech-savvy, discerning, and increasingly fussy. Modern customers are well aware of what they want, have wider choices and so they cannot be fed with just anything. Instead, modern buyers want personalization and demand ways of engaging with their desired products and services.

Hence, the good old method of targeting everyone with one message does not work anymore. According to a survey done by Gartner, it has been found that 78% of online consumers get irritated with the website and promotional email contents, ads and offers when they have nothing to do with their interests.

There have also been many instances when customers got so frustrated with irrelevant contents, that they were also willing to leave the site forever.

So what do all these mean for marketers today?

This means- RELEVANCE.

Now, that we need to discuss what is CRM marketing, we must understand the rise of highly individualized content marketing approach, which is primarily driven by data and technology, and it only a CRM system that can aid marketers to stay on the top of this game.

Hence, let us take a look how customer relationship software can help the marketers to improve their activities and create better marketing campaigns.

Focused Targeting

One of the toughest tasks for marketers is to look through all the customer data. In order to receive a response from potential customers and find out what they are most likely to buy, marketers must send messages that appeal exactly to them.

CRM software helps marketers to sift through thousands of contacts and find out the potential customers who will be interested in buying the products. It aids in targeting potential customers. As CRM contains several information on the customer behavior and buying preferences it allows the marketers to take informed actions, which results in improving prospect awareness and customer satisfaction.


It is a clichéd saying that those who can predict, instead of reacting, win. This is very much true for marketers as to sell online marketers need to observe common buying trends before offering anything to the customers.

Today marketers not only need to segment their customers only by industry, job, or age, but they also need to be aware of such factors like the customer’s recent activities, their purchase history, their personal likes and dislikes, emails opened and replied, social media activities and others.

Hence, the sharper and focused is the potential customer’s profile; greater are the chances and opportunities for personalized marketing messages, which can bring sales for the organization.

So segmenting customer profile and email subscriber’s database with the help of a CRM system, not only aids in growing revenue but also improves the metrics in email marketing.

Personalized Contents

Once you have segmented the CRM database into meaningful groups and know whom to target, it is the time that you must individualize your marketing messages.

Mass marketing is outdated today. Today’s CRM allows markets to address their potential and existing customers by their name. You can even impress your customers by knowing what industry they work for, which will consequentially help you to tailor your email campaign messages according to their likings and needs.

Therefore, CRM marketing can shape the entire communication strategy in such a way that it can suit a particular customer or a group of customers who have one or more than one things in common.

Personalization of content helps in improving response rate, creates a stronger brand perception, and increase revenue.

Knowing what is CRM marketing, hence helps online marketers to focus more on the customers rather than on products.

Recycling The Process

Using CRM software marketers can analyze whether their campaigns were successful and they yielded any results. For once, you can find which content performed best; you can recycle the content and that email campaign’s template for converting new contacts and customers.

Hence, instead of starting from the scratch when you remarket your ideas, taking out all opinions and guesswork, you can curb your leads to marketing costs but focus on resending campaigns that performed the best.

Use ConvergeHub CRM for FREE

Hence, marketing CRMs are more than the just inert database and market automation tools, because marketing CRMs helps in putting everything together for a truly personalized marketing effort. ConvergeHub’s founder and CEO Shampa Bagchi, speaking of CRM technology, sums it all up like this:

It’s been about propelling at the speed of mobile, digesting information and humanizing the data for the marketing team, building up the scale, and developing a product that conforms to the requirements of the marketer in this ever-connected digital world.

If you want to know more about how a CRM system can support your marketing efforts, please write to us in the comments below.