The Four C’s Of Customer Relationship Management Process That Helps in Business Growth

Simply speaking, the customer relationship management process consists of certain activities that grow relationships with existing customers and new ones. This is because customer relationship management implies nurturing and continuously expanding relationships with the customers while moving prospective customers through your CRM software solution’s sales pipeline. Now CRM is a cutting-edge, intelligent process that happens internally within your organization, however, its impacts are directly experienced by the customers.

Simply speaking, the customer relationship management process consists of certain activities that grow relationships with existing customers and new ones.

The global mobile CRM market will grow 11% to $15 billion worldwide this year as businesses seek to connect with their customers through their mobile devices. Click To Tweet

This is because customer relationship management implies nurturing and continuously expanding relationships with the customers while moving prospective customers through your CRM software solution’s sales pipeline.

Now CRM is a cutting-edge, intelligent process that happens internally within your organization, however, its impacts are directly experienced by the customers.

What Is Involved In The Customer Relationship Management Process?

While CRM is a term that most often relates to the software by the same name (which is created to help businesses stay on top of their deals) the Customer Relationship Management process also involves such skills as attention to detail, listening, and consistency.

Therefore an effective CRM process results in your customers experiencing that you value them and their time.

It is a process that not only helps businesses to establish trust but it even adds value to the relationship by offering the best products and services for their unique and respective needs.

Easy to use CRM software irrespective of whether it is enterprise-level CRM or any other robust and affordable Salesforce Alternative CRM tools mostly used by SMB and startups is just a platform that can be used as a part of the process to do these things more efficiently.

Here is an example:

If a part of your businesses’ CRM strategy is to use the business CRM software to manage prospects and contacts and keep track of your company’s project deliverables, you can organize your contacts by their company name using this cutting-edge and intuitive business growth technology platform.
On the other hand for projects, CRM is a software that can help you get notifications and calendar features integrated within the system to keep your projects on the necessary timeline.

As a consequence, it is a tool that can allow businesses to grow a solid foundation with the correct stakeholders and hand over their deliverables in time, whereby by progressively streamlining the entire workflow, your easy to use CRM can strengthen customer relationships over time.

Now every organization should put forethought into thinking and redefining how they will manage their CX (Customer Experience) since for retaining their customer brands and businesses need to continually create new connections, monitor and track sales opportunities, underrated the customers, and finally their team’s efforts effectively.

Hence your customer relationship management process will not only allow your business to take a proactive approach to understand the requirements and challenges of your prospects but it will also help to actively engage them in your sales strategies.

Now regardless of your industry, each interaction with your current and future customers, once you use a CRM process, will be defined by these four C’s of the customer relationship management process which includes:


This element of the CRM process includes a series of transactions and interactions that take place between the customer, channel, end-user, and an organization. The data should be collected from all the contact points and also involves communication outside the organization. The information collected from all the sources will provide a better understanding of the customers.


This element of the CRM process includes the mapping and management of the interaction point’s beta customer and the organization. The points of interaction should be carefully managed to ensure the achievement of the goal, for which CRM is processed in an organization.


The capture and analysis of the detailed information help in getting an insight which helps an organization in creating continuous learning about customer products, channels, markets, and competition from the data warehouse and knowledge base. The overall learning is available through the analysis of the information available.


The insights available in the cognize element can be applied to create relevant interaction or communication with consumers, channels, suppliers, and partners that help to build a valuable relationship.


Now the choice of CRM strategy would be based on the type of customer service to be offered by your business.

It would also include the decision relating to the type of relationship management that would work better for your business and the customers.

There are various strategies available for a customer relationship manager, whereby the customer relationship management process can be co-created with the help of customers. Hence businesses can have a dedicated online CRM community or may also involve the handling of customers with hands-on assistance i.e. the traditional way of dealing with customers for finding business growth.

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