frustration or magic?

How are Tech or IT related decisions made in your company? Does the senior leadership get involved? Do you get involved? Or is it relegated to “those tech guys” or “the IT dept upstairs”?

Somehow IT or Tech has got an image problem in most companies.
The C-level leadership associates it with problems… bottlenecks, constraints, over-budget projects and frustrations. Senior management usually does not want to deal with the complications of an IT project, and this leads to Technology being separated to a far-off siloed corner of the company.

That is such a waste…

It is a waste of..
business potential
opportunities for growth
competitive advantage
future revenue
and so much more..

For most businesses today, business and technology are not separate.
Technology is the Business.

If you identify your business in this situation, it really is time to stop.
Whether you are the business owner, the senior management, an individual contributor, or a leader without a title, take a step back and re-think the role of technology in your organization.

Business leaders need a major shift in mindset.

Technology is not a problem.
Technology is a tool to solve most business problems.
Technology is your magic wand that can create new business models, spur innovation, drive revenue, and create competitive advantage out of thin air.

In the coming weeks we will discuss more about how to take Technology from the silo in your company and make it the major enabler for business.

Meanwhile, if you need someone to brainstorm on how you can use Technology as an enabler for business, feel free to reach out to me.

If you would like to know more about how ConvergeHub’s Customer Lifecycle Management Technology can help drive more revenue for your organization, go ahead and reserve a confidential consultation with one of our experts.

Or, if you like to check it out yourself, create a free ConvergeHub account here.

Love advice.. for your “other” relationship 😊

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner…

Whether you are planning that perfect romantic date night with the love of your life or looking forward to spending a cozy evening at home with Netflix, Valentine’s Day gives you the perfect opportunity to think about that “other” important relationship that you have in your life – the relationship with your Customers.

Managing Customer relationships can involve significantly more effort (and are way less fun) than planning your Valentine’s Day romantic rituals.

Customers cannot be showered with attention one day of the year, and be pushed to the back-burner until the special day comes around again next year. You have to keep the magic going throughout the year and maintain that warmth in your business relationships to make sure that your Customers don’t break-up with you and run into the waiting arms of your competitor.

If you are looking to keep the magic alive throughout the year in your Customer relationships, here are 4 things you should do:

  1. Know your customers intimately – Have a 360 degree view of your customer data and track everything in one place.
  2. Make them feel important – Remember their birthdays. Send thank-you mails. Never forget a follow-up call. Ever.
  3. Keep in touch – Honest open communication keeps the relationship going. Keep in constant touch with your customer. Product updates, new service launched, company news,.. or even something fun.
  4. Listen with empathy – When issues arise, letting the grievances pile up is a surefire way of destroying the relationship. Listening to every complaint and responding quickly will make your customer feel valued.

Customer Lifecycle Management technology like ConvergeHub can help you achieve all of the above goals and more throughout the entire lifecycle of the customer.

If you would like to know more on how ConvergeHub can help you create the perfect life-long relationship with your customers, reserve a confidential consultation with one of our experts.

Or, if you like to check it out yourself, create a free ConvergeHub account here.