Marketing Trends- That You Cannot Ignore This Year For Your Business Growth

Since you are using best small business CRM software for helping your organization accomplish its sales and marketing plans, it is equally important that you must remain aware of the evolving marketing trends and changes ahead, those that predict to alter the shape of the marketing world in 2019 and beyond. Hence, understanding these new trends in marketing this year will enable you to adjust your marketing strategies accordingly and remain ahead of the completion in your marketplace, once you keep these trends in mind and formulate your strategies to ensure optimum success in your businesses.

Since you are using best small business CRM software for helping your organization accomplish its sales and marketing plans, it is equally important that you must remain aware of the evolving marketing trends and changes ahead, those that predict to alter the shape of the marketing world in 2019 and beyond.

94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as part of their content strategy. Other popular platforms include Twitter (87%), Facebook (84%), and YouTube (74%) - Content Marketing Institute Click To Tweet

Hence, understanding these new trends in marketing this year will enable you to adjust your marketing strategies accordingly and remain ahead of the completion in your marketplace, once you keep these trends in mind and formulate your strategies to ensure optimum success in your businesses.

Marketing Automation

Now that you know what is CRM, as a user of the best small business CRM software, it is apprehended strongly that this year and going ahead AI-powered technological advancements will take personalized marketing a step further.

Marketing automation and lead generation that is supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence) will help organizations using best small business CRM software to enhance their customer profiling strategies, which, in turn, will aid in facilitating the development of more sophisticated and refined customer-centric marketing strategies, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and a decrease in churn rates.

According to research published by Forbes, it has been suggested that more than 50% of present-day marketers will adopt AI by 2019, for accomplishing their business growth.

So choosing the best CRM for small business like ConvergeHub , which is already working on developing such technologies for its all-in-one easy to use CRM platform , will help you to stay ahead of the game.


In 2019, most of us are aware of chatbots that we deploy on our company websites for business growth.

Actually, chatbots are interactive software applications that are created to mimic normal human conversations.

Apart from websites, chatbots can also be incorporated into apps, emails and SMS platforms.

This year and going beyond it is predicted that the use of chatbots will increase, as according to a study published by Gartner, it is prognosticated that 85% of all customer support interactions will be powered by chatbots by 2020.

Therefore, marketers in 2019 using the best small business CRM software should start leveraging on chatbots now by having them answer frequently asked questions online, or walk the customers through their buying processes.

Video marketing

It is also predicted that video ads will be on a rise this year.

In a recent study published by Cisco, it has been projected that more than 80% of all internet traffic will be videos by 2021.

As in the present times with the stellar growth in social media 90% of digital markets are already making use of videos as a key element of their online marketing strategy, it is no brainer to expect that live video feeds will continue to grow.

Video marketing is not only an excellent way to tell customers and prospects your brand’s stories but it can be also considered as a better way to share testimonials with leads and prospects, whereby you can broadcast your  happy customers talk about their experience with your company, or which of your offerings has helped them in their business growth .

Influencer marketing

The consumers in all industries will be putting even more trust in relationships and people they know, as well as high-quality contents.

In other words, in modern times, consumers are becoming more and more difficult to impresses with sordid sales pitches from company reps, as they are becoming increasingly resistant towards being sold.

Consumers in 2019, especially the Millennial(s) group of consumers who are gradually moving into decision-making positions in several organizations, just want brands to help them buy.

Now, when it comes to influencer marketing, present-day tech-savvy consumers are more aware of influencers who openly endorse numerous brands. Therefore you need to adopt a more transparent and subtle approach by building long-term relationships with selected influencers, who may not be a big-name celebrity, but someone who has a  following of more than 10,000 followers on social media to foster more organic endorsement with transparent communications leading to your business growth.

Semantic SEO

According to ComScore, it has been predicted that 50% of all search on the internet will be voice searches by 2020, credits to virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa.

In recent times with new updates on Google’s search algorithms search engines have started showing a preference for cluster of contents around topics instead of keywords.

This change in part on SEO requirements has happened due to the rising popularity of searches being implemented verbally, instead of typing on keyboards.

Therefore, voice search marketing and Semantic SEO that provides more value and depth around a topic are expected to become increasingly important in 2019 and beyond.

Mobile marketing

According to an article published by Google in 2017, it stated that more than 89% of online consumers are likely to recommend a brand after a positive brand experience on their mobile devices.

In another statistics revealed by Statista:

In 2018, 52.2% of all worldwide online traffic was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3% in the previous year.

Since mobile users view contents in short intervals, contents generated for mobile marketing should be pithy, and easy-to-understand as possible.

Therefore, remember to optimize your landing pages and your website for mobile viewing so that you can engage your potential and existing customers, and evolve over time the contents that you share with your consumers for developing their brand awareness and scale up your business growth.


Although there are no best marketing strategies and no one can for certain predict the future with unflinching accuracy, nevertheless preparing yourself and watching out for these marketing trends will obviously help you as a user of best small business CRM software like ConvergeHub to achieve your goals this year and remain competitive in your marketplace for your business growth.

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A Comprehensive Guide for Increasing Lead Conversion Rates

Does your organization have a solid process in place to get your leads qualified so that your sales teams find time to focus on the most sales-ready prospects in their CRM software? Do have any idea about how your sales reps are qualifying and thereafter converting those leads into customers? Lead conversion skills are the heart of revenue growth and expansion in any organization. Therefore, here are a few best practices that can help you increase your lead conversion ratio and grow your business to new heights in 2019. Are you a business leader poised to take your company to the next level, and looking for a Salesforce Alternative CRM software platform that can help you do that? If so, ConvergeHub is for you!

Does your organization have a solid process in place to get your leads qualified so that your sales teams find time to focus on the most sales-ready prospects in their CRM software?

Do you have any idea about how your sales reps are qualifying and thereafter converting those leads into customers?

Lead conversion skills are the heart of revenue growth and expansion in any organization.
Therefore, here are a few best practices that can help you increase your lead conversion ratio and grow your business to new heights in 2019.

Are you a business leader poised to take your company to the next level, and looking for a software platform that can help you do that?

If so, ConvergeHub is for you!


ConvergeHub's ROCKET LAUNCH 2019 can help you acquire leads, automate your sales process, improve your conversion and get more referrals from satisfied customers. Click To Tweet
  1. Publish awesome and informative blogs

We all acknowledge that the stage for converting leads comes at the very end of the sales cycle. However, to persuade the leads to get to that point, whereby they become interested enough to procure your offerings- you primarily need to build up trust.
Leads and prospective customers cherish to see you as a subject matter expert and an authority in your arena and feel that you can be trusted to support them and ensure their growth and satisfaction using your offering(s).

According to Forbes, blogging is a great way to building that trust:

The fact is that in the world of today you cannot become an authority simply by declaring yourself as one. Customers are more suspicious, and they want to see you prove it. By producing quality information that’s true and reliable in every blog, you are making sure that you can become that authority.

Prospects and leads are more likely to engage with brands and organizations once you can establish yourself as an indisputable authority in their minds, leading to more lead conversion rates.

  1. Integrate your CRM with a marketing automation platform

A majority of sales reps today use easy to use CRM software solutions to move leads and prospective opportunities through the sales pipeline and close deals.
If you know what is CRM software, you must be aware that CRM is a robust application that stores a plethora of information about all your leads, and customers in the CRM database, which includes details like demographic and behavioral data.

Therefore, when you use marketing automation, which is also known as sales force automation in tandem with your easy to use CRM , you can without any hassles leverage that contact details to customize and target the messages that you need to send to your prospects.

Using Salesforce Alternative CRM software like ConvergeHub and others, you can personalize your lead nurturing process and send messages based on your prospects’ past buying behaviors, interests, and more.

Since, doing this allows you to send more personalized outreach. Which in turn helps in better engaging prospects that enhances the likelihood of conversion.

  1. Set up lead scoring to qualify leads

Lead scoring techniques help your marketing teams to identify the most sales-ready leads in your CRM database.

While scoring leads, you can use a point system that indicates the value a lead represents, by awarding points to leads for actions they take, like clicking or opening emails, visiting your website, downloading eBooks, participating in post-sales surveys, etc.
You can also award points to your leads for demographic data such as the place they reside, their job titles, the industry they work, etc.

As these scores accumulate over time, you set a score threshold, at which a lead may be considered as an MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead), which once they cross can be passed over to the sales teams for immediate follow-ups.

Remember, while you are setting up your lead scoring system, always include your sales teams in the process, since they can better decide along with your marketing teams, which action warrants which score, and at which a new lead can be considered as an MQL.

Moreover, it is also highly advisable that you must check your lead scoring practice at least once every quarter, for finding whether the leads are being qualified too soon or too late in the process. Since, if your marketing teams are passing a lot of MQLs to your sales teams, but very few of them are getting converted, odds are that your marketing executives are qualifying the leads too soon, and hence you must increase your MQL threshold to fine tune your lead scoring process.

Simply put lead scoring improves the quality of your leads in your easy to use CRM, which helps in achieving a better conversion rate for your organization.

  1. Run lead nurturing and lead generation campaigns

It is a common fact, that to convert leads, you must primarily generate leads. There are several ways you can generate new leads, from email drip campaigning to social media programs.

Now, once you have generated new leads, you need to nurture them through the sales pipeline that must consist of a series of ‘touch points’ to move them towards a sale.

Lead nurturing aids in identifying sale ready leads using lead scoring, since each action your leads take can be scored to move the leads closer to conversion.

As an add-on, here is a link to the CONVERGEHUB LEAD GENERATOR, which is a free tool that lets you visit anyone’s social media page (like LinkedIn, Facebook, Yelp etc.) and capture all information instantly without any manual typing.

Using this free tool you can save qualified leads from social media, other sites and even Gmail with one click of the mouse. It even lets you create notes and follow up tasks to get a head start with that lead.

You can save the captured leads in the Lead Generator itself or save them in the ConvergeHub CRM for even more sales power.

  1. Set up killer landing pages with optimized CTA buttons

As the leads move through your sales pipeline, you need ways to capture more of their information by increasing their engagement with your brand.

One of the most effective ways to do this is to create simple, yet attractive landing pages that will encourage your leads to take a desired action, like request a demo, register for a webinar, etc.

Make it painfully clear to your leads, and visitors viewing your landing page, which action you want them to take, how they can take it, and most importantly what will they receive in exchange.

If you are not sure how to create awesome landing pages, it is best to check out some examples from your competitor’s websites.

  1. Share on social media and use social monitoring to find brand advocates

It is easy to engage your known leads with multichannel campaigns and email marketing.
However, what can you do about those leads whose contact data you do not have in your CRM database?

Therefore, when you create blogs and other types of contents around your brand, share them on social media, so that people may share it, which in turn will extend the reach of your brand and drive in more new leads to click through to your blog or website.

Since, once people do that, you will understand that the engagement has begun, as these will be leads that are genuinely interested in your offerings, and are so easier to qualify and convert into customers.

Remember to always include some type of offer in association with your contents that you are sharing to capture the contacts of these new leads.

While sharing your contents in social media platforms, if you find people speaking positively about your brand, reach out, start a dialogue, and show your appreciation. You may even ask them if they want to feature in an interview or a case study of your brand.

In other words, treat these people with care and respect in any possible ways, because they are potential brand advocates for your business, who can be super helpful in promoting your brand and also help to increase conversion rates.

Here are two statistics that illustrates the role that brand advocate can play for the growing your business.

  • 92% of consumers trust recommendations from brand advocates. (Nielsen)
  • Only 18% of consumers trust recommendations from industry influencers. (Forrester Research)
  1. Enable sales to quickly follow up on qualified leads

According to a survey done by InsideSales, it states that:

Your odds of reaching a new sales lead drop over 10 times if you wait longer than the first hour of shown interest, and the odds of [sales] qualifying that lead decrease six times after the first 60 minutes.

Therefore, you need to enable your sales teams for immediate follow up, once a lead is qualified, since the longer you wait to reach out to a qualified lead, the lesser the chances of conversion will be along with the passage of time.

Using a Best small business CRM software like ConvergeHub, which is capable of creating reminders and automating tasks it is easy to send alerts to sales reps the moment a new lead becomes qualified, to ensure that your sales teams do not let MQLs fall through the crack.

Key Takeaway

Lead conversion is the bread and butter of your business since it is a process that allows your business to grow, by bringing dollars into the coffers in your organization.

Nevertheless, as you can see, lead conversion does not happen on its own, as it requires serious planning and execution of various tactics to increase the lead conversion rate.

Therefore, always measure your lead conversion ratio, by keeping a scorecard that can help you track this metric so that you can easily identify what is working and what is not, and let you fix the nonperforming issues and focus more energy on conversion tactics that are producing results.

The math is simple. When you increase engagement levels, you boost conversion rates, and revenue climbs.

Do you have any tips for increasing your lead conversion rate? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Avoid CRM Disasters With This Ultimate Easy To Use CRM Checklist

Did you just invest a few thousand dollars in purchasing a brand new easy to use CRM software system, only to find that it does not solve the pain points and aches that are holding your business back? Well if it is so, we can assure that you are not alone. This has happened several times to many businesses big and small- nevertheless, it does not have to be so all the time. Read to know why does even easy to use CRM implementations Fail?

Did you just invest a few thousand dollars in purchasing a brand new easy to use CRM software system, only to find that it does not solve the pain points and aches that are holding your business back?
Well if it is so, we can assure that you are not alone.
This has happened several times to many businesses big and small- nevertheless, it does not have to be so all the time.

Less than 40% of businesses have a CRM adoption rate over 90%- CSO Insights Click To Tweet

Why Does Even Easy To Use CRM Implementations Fail?

  1. So many features, but not the right ones

It may be a flashy interface, new gamification features, and a lot more functionalities that you never knew you wanted, but does not actually offer the features you need on a regular basis to run your business.
Therefore, while choosing your easy to use CRM software , you need to work with a plan.
Find out what are the business problems you are planning to solve, know your goals, and always make sure that they are measurable, before choosing your easy to use CRM system that can address to those unique pain points and needs.

  1. The pricing of the software is eating into your profits

You have chosen an easy to use CRM software, that exceeds what your organization can afford. Therefore, while the benefits of using a CRM solution for your business can always increase your sales. However, it takes a longer time to build up those crucial customer relationships. Therefore, an easy to use but at the same instance, expensive CRM software can bring your business to a halt even before your sales start rolling in and eat away your profits.

  1. Promising the world

If you know what is CRM , always remember that this is a CRM system, which is just a tool and can never be a magic pill. Successful easy to use CRM implementations depends a lot on your employee’s eagerness to learn how to use the CRM software, keep all the records up to data in the CRM database, and your every employee’s commitment towards this customer-centric approach to the business.
Hence, set reasonable goals, and thereafter work with determination to exceed them. This will not only keep your team’s morale high but also help your business to grow at a steady pace.

  1. Too quickly too much change

After investing money and time on an easy to use CRM implementation, some entrepreneurs may get tempted to discard that their employees were using beforehand and push the employees to use the new CRM system. Nevertheless, whatever that you do, always understand that too much change in a small span of time can leave your team confused, and thereby make your customer service suffer the dire consequences.

Therefore, start rolling out the new features in your just purchased CRM system that makes it easier and more satisfying for your employees to do their jobs. Replace gruesome, routine tasks and manual workarounds with system automation and you can be sure your employees will start using the new software more quickly. Many easy to use CRM systems like ConvergeHub also includes a series of integrations , so that your old business software solutions like Gmail, DocuSign, MailChimp, DropBox, Ring Central, and others can seamlessly connect to the new system, which makes it easier to work for your staffs, making the CRM implementation more successful for your company.

  1. Not everyone is present on board

Finally, CRM is not just a tool but also a business strategy, and so like any other business strategy to work, everyone in your organization has to follow a singular goal. Per se, executives in your company and the users of the easy to use CRM software must willingly remain on board to learn and use the new customer relationship management software.
This factor in successful CRM implementation is absolutely necessary as it helps in creating a lot of less friction if everyone in an organization agrees to use the new CRM software in the first place.


Now that you are aware of what not to do, let us make your easy to use CRM implementation a success, as here at ConvergeHub, we have mined and worked with myriads of inquiries, customer data, and surveys to offer you with the most comprehensive Converged CRM system, and the CRM requirement checklist.
This is because of the fact- we are aware that the devil lurks in the details of implementation of the easy to use CRM software platform.

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What Is CRM And How It Can Unlock Massive Sales Enablement Benefits For Your Business

You may know by now what is CRM software, but are you aware of the term ‘Sales Enablement’ and what it means to your business? Well, in general, sales enablement refers to a process of providing your sales teams with the most effective tools they need to sell your offerings successfully. Therefore, sales enablement provides your sales teams with the right technology and content to better engage their prospects in the buying cycle. It is a tool that can unlock significant benefits that in turn will increase your sales and drive more revenue.

You may know by now what is CRM software, but are you aware of the term ‘Sales Enablement’ and what it means to your business?

Well, in general, sales enablement refers to a process of providing your sales teams with the most effective tools they need to sell your offerings successfully. Therefore, sales enablement provides your sales teams with the right technology and content to better engage their prospects in the buying cycle. It is a tool that can unlock significant benefits that in turn will increase your sales and drive more revenue.

Leads that are nurtured in the CRM system convert 47% of the time- Annuitas Group Click To Tweet

For example, ConvergeHub small business CRM software is a sales enablement tool that can empower your sales teams to convert more leads and prospects into customers in a much lesser time.

Therefore, with a small business sales enablement tool like a CRM in place, your business has the potential to provide more ROI rapidly.

However, what are these benefits that you can unlock with a best small business CRM like ConvergeHub?

Now that we know what is CRM software, let us dive in see!

Automating manual tasks

A sales enablement CRM for small and medium business drastically increases the efficiency of your sales teams by automating their day-to-day tasks. Therefore, when you use a Converged CRM that includes sales, marketing, customer support, and also accounts (if you are using a QuickBooks CRM), your efficiency increases dramatically.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Data Entry

Lead data is captured successfully when you leverage lead-generation forms. That means, your sales reps do not need to enter data manually, and they can use that time to focus on more important issues.

  1. Appointment scheduling

CRM helps to automate the process of scheduling the appointment process. This allows prospects and customers to schedule meeting with reps with their convenience, freeing them from having to conduct the actions manually.

  1. Lead Scoring

This process helps sales reps to take actions by viewing the propensity of the buyers. Lead scoring methods help in improving the quality of the leads. Hence, small business CRM software that includes lead scoring capabilities helps reps to focus on other things and at the same time have an insight into, leads, which are sales-ready, and those leads that need more nurturing.

  1. Telephony

If you easy to use CRM provides telephony integrations, like Ring Central and others, it helps your sales reps make more calls in less time. Using telephony integration you can select a group of leads to call and let the software call them in sequence without your sales reps having to call up each of the dialed numbers manually, resulting in increased productivity.

  1. Voicemail Drop

Another great benefit of using telephony integrations with your small business CRM software is the ability to leave pre-recorded voice mail drops. Hence, when your sales reps call someone and get sent to the prospect’s voicemail, they click the voicemail drop they want to leave, which thereafter gets delivered automatically.

  1. More Insight Into Customers And Prospects

A CRM software that provides sales enablement stores extensive data on customer and prospects, which includes demographic and personal data of the prospects and the customers. For users who know what is CRM software and its capabilities, can easily track such data for finding behaviors such as clicking on an email, attending a webinar, or viewing a content, which can help sales reps to leverage sales enablement software to maintain more insights into who the customers are and what they need.

  1. Understanding past buying behavior

Sales enablement software like ConvergeHub software helps to track all deals that have been created by your reps.
Once you are using a QuickBooks CRM for sales teams, which offers QuickBooks CRM integration free, your reps can easily open a contact’s records in the CRM database to see which product has been bought by the customer in the past. It can also show which products the prospects and customers have been interested but did not purchase, which allows reps to understand which types of offerings the customers are interested in that in turn drastically increases up-selling opportunities.

  1. Knowing customer’s pain points

When you use a Converged CRM like ConvergeHub, you can track all the customer support tickets, and easily see which problems a customer has faced with your offerings by reviewing their ticket history in the CRM database. Therefore, before up-selling to any customer, using a CRM you can see if the customer is having an issue, and up-sell until the customer is satisfied again.

  1. Arming representatives with the right resources

Sales enablement is also about sending the right resources and content to the leads, prospects, and customers at the right time. Therefore using easy to use CRM software platform, your reps can check where each lead are in the sales funnel, and provide them contents that correctly aligns with the sales process, which can be leveraged by using marketing automation functionalities of the CRM software.

  1. Automated tasks and alerts

You can use small business CRM software to send alerts to sales reps instantaneously when leads become sales qualified that help to remind reps that they need to reach out immediately and start a conversation with the prospect. It is like striking when the iron is hot.

Moreover, using CRM software when speaking to a lead that would benefit from a particular resource, sales reps can simply open the saved email and hit send, which lets them quickly provide the resources and content that leads need at each stage of the sales funnel.

  1. Understanding results

Sales and marketing teams need constant insight into their efforts to improve their results. With a robust sales enablement software like ConvergeHub CRM , you can use its powerful reporting functionalities to view how they are performing against their goals. Sales CRM software helps in checking the health of your sales pipeline, see growth reports, check your rep’s call rates and much more, to identify areas that need improvement or fix broken processes and make data-driven decisions they need to improve to close more deals.


Now that you know what is CRM software and how it can help you as one of the most efficient sales enablement tools, use ConvergeHub the award winning CRM platform for small businesses, to unlock the benefits described above to make your reps work faster, smarter, and convert more leads into customers in less time.

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